I miss IMDb

I have a lot of fun on Moviechat, but I miss the larger world of the old message boards - at least before they imploded due to the feuding on movies like the Ghostbusters remake.

On the old boards, classic days gone by, 99% of this movie's boards would be talking about the gonzo multiverse stuff, fan theories on how it all works, the quirks and oddities and trivia of the different worlds, and the interpretations on the major themes and worldbuilding done in EEAAO.

Instead, most of the boards here seem to be talking about how this movie is overhyped, shouldn't have won the Oscar, and/or is "woke".

Okay, there would have been some of those anyway, and maybe 99% is an exaggeration, but I remember when films like The Matrix generated a lot of philosophical chat. And, damnit, I miss those boards.


I miss it, too. There, at least, you could find a few serious threads that actually discuss the movie/show.


I had a similar feeling, then someone showed me an old screenshot of an IMDB board, it was really not much better.

So I think it is mostly just nostalgia.


It was, but it was, mostly, because it was a much larger platform. It had a lot of trolling, but the sheer mass of users allowed for people interested in serious discussion to talk. I had a lot of fun discussing movies and shows that I liked or didn't like.


The old IMDb boards are still alive, just on another URL.




The Ghostbusters(2016) thread is still alive - over 25,000 posts!


Really? What's the URL? I thought IMDb kiboshed it all.

I must admit, I would probably check out 2016 Ghostbusters thread out of sheer morbid curiosity.




Oh, for some reason I thought you meant that it was still hosted by IMDb.


great news the old imdB boards are on filmboards.com.

It's not run by iMdB anymore but filmboards has all the archives and you can register and post. It's got great info I visit it often.


"It's got great info I visit it often."

The archive is the same at Filmboards, the design is nice.
Once upon a time it may've been "great info".
Now Filmboards is only a huge Soapbox with people talking Scheiße. 💩​


We hear you, believe.
We used to have great discussions with genuine cinephiles with informed opinions, who knew how to construct a sound argument, and knew their film history (and of course, if I take off my rose-tinted nostalgia glasses, I can also see the trolls and crazies in the rear view mirror...).

Today, it's all about politics, box-office, and trivia.

Oh well. We still have the likes of "ecarle/Roger1", yourself 'Mr. Spade', and others for good film discussions... :)

"This town will never be the same. After the Tangiers, the big corporations took it all over. Today it looks like Disneyland. In the old days, dealers knew your name, what you drank, what you played. Today, it's like checkin' into an airport. And if you order room service, you're lucky if you get it by Thursday. Today, it's all gone."


While I know from where the OP got his inspiration for this fresh new topic. 💡​
I don't know why this is planted on the board of Everything Everywhere All at Once.


Target of opportunity.


Ran out of drugs.

Forgot what s/he was originally doing.

Got distracted by something REALLY GOOD on his/her Apple Watch.

The list rolls on and on.


What utter bollocks.

I've never owned an Apple Watch.


🤣​....though need to agree with the OP.
That person probably doesn't have an Apple Watch.

Let's plant an apple tree! 🍎​🌳​
Err, now I'm on the wrong track too.
Something was wrong with the apple. 🍎​ 🐍​


The reason, if you're actually curious, is because I just watched the movie and came here hoping to read some discussion about the bizarre stuff in the flick. I was hoping there'd be a thread or two on nihilism, speculation on multi-verse theories, maybe some discussion about what one would do if confronted with infinite realities, etc.


Ace_Spade (9136) an hour ago
The reason, if you're actually curious, is because I just watched the movie and came here hoping to read some discussion about the bizarre stuff in the flick. I was hoping there'd be a thread or two on nihilism, speculation on multi-verse theories, maybe some discussion about what one would do if confronted with infinite realities, etc.

Even if this maybe get deleted:

You're such a hypocritical liar. 🤮​


Huh. What an oddly aggressive post. This hardly seems like reasonable discourse.

You're not in my head, so saying I'm lying is presumptuous, at best.

As for hypocrite, I fail to see how I qualify. Most of my posts are discussions about the films I'm interested in, which means my general contributions to the site are the kind of content that I want to engage with. This post was on the state of the board more generally, but I don't need 100% of the boards to be deep-dives into existential philosophical themes.


You're right; some of it is rose-tinting. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't quite like this. Of course, the reason the boards got shut down was, I think, because of an influx of angry posts, so IMDb was getting taken over anyway.

I appreciate your vote of confidence (and the quote)!


Yeah, I check here every now and then I guess just out of habit, and it's sad how it's just a cesspool of right wing nutters that have been driven off of every other site.

I have almost everyone who ever posted on the Trump and politics boards blocked and like 60% of the latest feed is missing as a result. On a freaking movie discussion forum.

I like how there is no moderation, but at this point I see why it's necessary as these people will simply flock to any site that lacks it.


On the other hand, if more places let any discussion fly (or more of it) there might be more of a dispersal of nutters instead of stockpiling them in certain places.

I mean, I just kinda ignore people who seem to be crazy or trollish and chat with the cool cats. There are a lot of great people on Moviechat, too, although you mostly find them on less current films.

I also like the no/low moderation thing. I'd rather slog through a free space than tiptoe through a draconian one.


I feel you, back then you could even have a discussion on a niche movie and actually had chances to get answers, nowadays, its mostly a discussion in best case years interval. You see it very well in imported discussions, before migration a lot of discussion, afterwards only a couple of it.
And yes, way too much political (if you want to call that bs as it) discussion, the Marvels board is nearly unusable and then the discussion about certain people who are ... debatable ... and are depicted as pure victims is just super sad.

Anyway, I still go after most movies I watched here and try to keep discussions on. I hope others do it too. Or find me an alternative which works out. Reddit is totally useless for smaller discussions.


Reddit is totally useless for smaller discussions.

Reddit in general shuns discussion unless you're in the hivemind majority. I blame the voting system.

The irony with this site is you're more likely to get a response within a thread on something politically based vs. creating a thread talking about the movie itself. It's frustrating af.


If I see any more obscure/classic/off-beat movies in the feed, I often try to engage with them for exactly that reason: just trying to make sure that people are chatting about that stuff. Some of my best conversations on here have come from that sort of thing.

Yeah, every new, major release seems to become a new battleground for the politically obsessed and perennially obtuse. Any Disney or Disney-subsidiary project is presumed "woke" before the first trailer (even if that is often sadly accurate) and, thus, cause for an ideological war.

I do the same thing: trying to keep the discussions going. There is another post-IMDb movie site, but I haven't been there in a while... filmboards.com. Took me a while to find the address. I don't know if the discussions there are the same or not; I really don't frequent them.


Checked out filmboards for a while, but its more dead and its also full of political discussions, but the ones i followed its for the other geezers side. Does it also not make it better. I want to openly discuss stuff. I also hate it when Hollywood force certain representations into a production, but instead of discussing how it could get done better, its all just a circlejoke. But in another board I am active (which is NOT about movies) I just realized, they have a list of "forbidden" topics. Because they don't want to talk about things. The Ghostbusters discussion would be in that list.
It feels like I can only choose between Orwell or Heinlein.


It's basically the same thing except for one difference - if you're hot on a movie and you'd like to discuss it - IMDB was better. It was better because one would get many responses, rapidly as well. With Moviechat, if you're hot on something and you comment - you may get replies, you may not. This aside, not all that much difference. Same concept for both.


It's the same concept, but yes, the results were faster with IMDb and that's because there were more users. The side-effect was, I think, that you also got more viewpoints.

But I think online discourse has become a bit more politically obsessive in the last few years, too. I have a hunch that IMDb would have looked similar to this place right now as it was trending. All I can say is that when I first signed on to IMDb, discussion was mostly about the films. Now it seems it's more about politics.


MovieChat is actually a lot of fun, but I really miss the IMDB boards too, for exactly the reasons you're describing. However, after years of posting on the individual boards, I recently discovered that most of the engaging discussions and cool people on MC are in the General Discussion board. The discussions aren't always cinephile-focused, but it's a cool place to hang out and talk to movie fans. I stay out of the Politics forum because that place is a cesspool.

I haven't seen Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) yet, but when I do I'll be sure to jump back in here.


Oh, yes, this place is a lot of fun.

I try to pop over to the General Discussion board myself from time to time. And, yes, it does have some great stuff. The politics board just seems to be composed equally of fanatical left-wingers, fanatical right-wingers, and indistinguishable trolls of all stripe.

I do recommend EEAAO, although I did find it to be a bit overhyped. Of course, it would be hard for any movie to live up to the mountain of praise heaped upon this film. However, generally-speaking, it is very good, takes a lot of risks, and has a lot of great stuff in it.


I really miss the I Need To Know board there. So many knowledgeable folk who could find almost anything. I know it's here too, and I try to help when I can, but I was usually the one asking, not answering.


Yeah, I tried to track down a film I cannot remember the name of for the life of me, but the boards here had very few responses.
