MovieChat Forums > Tenet (2020) Discussion > Box Office: ‘Tenet’ Enjoys Surprisingly ...

Box Office: ‘Tenet’ Enjoys Surprisingly Strong Debut Overseas

Christopher Nolan’s “Tenet” launched internationally this weekend, generating a surprisingly robust $53 million debut despite the ongoing pandemic.

The sci-fi epic, long pegged as the film that would restart moviegoing after prolonged cinema closures, had the strongest start in the United Kingdom, where it made $7.1 million. “Tenet” launched in 41 international markets this weekend, including France ($6.7 million), Korea ($5.1 million) and Germany ($4.2 million). Next weekend, the Warner Bros. film will touch down in the U.S., Russia and China.


Yeah I came here to post the same story.

Very Surprised myself, but impressed too considering the situation. I honestly thought it may be a financial flop.


Of course it will flop. The question is will it save cinemagoing?


What do you mean save cinemagoing? It never went anywhere. The theaters were closed the last 5-6 months you goofball.


Whoosh. Stay safe.


It's a flop in the US.


Pretty good considering the pandemic and theatres are at limited seating capacity. It'll likely dominate the China and US box office next week too. If all goes well they should at least make the budget costs back, and possibility end up around $400 million worldwide when all is said and done.


it's only #2 in the worldwide box office though - beaten by a chinese flick!


I don't like the theater that is only open here so I'll wait for Wonder Woman and hope the theater I like will be open for it.


This such good news for films that are scheduled to be released in the remainder of 2020. Now it looks like upcoming films such as 'No Time to Die' and 'Coming 2 America' won't get delayed as long as 'Tenet' is an overall box office success.


This is very positive news for the industry and the movie-going experience in general.


Only marvel can save the box office office


I don't like the only theater I have open here.


I want to first say....I Love Nolan and Tenet is one of my most anticipated movies

It feels very wrong for me what I'm about to do, because I honestly want the movie to do good, But Unfortunately My HATRED for Queen has trumped my desire to try to spin these results into a positive.

So like always Queen, Is Trying to Spin A "WB" films Box office

annnnnd since I hate Queen, I now have to Rip apart Tenet and WB to continue my quest in abusing Queen.

so Here we go....

Queen quote----"This is very positive news for the industry and the movie-going experience in general."

Lol Tenets overseas result were decent at best.

Tenet Was Badly Beaten in China by "Eight Hundreds"

Tenet's domestic Box office was so weak and embarrassing WB is now refusing to release any actual Box office results.



Hilariously Warner Brother IMMEDIATELY has now Pushed back Wonder Woman 1984 after witnessing Tenet's Dismal box office results Literally waving the white flag on WW84

Heres is a tweet clearly suggesting WB's disappoint in Tenet's box office is why they pushed back WW84-

"Exhibitor Relations Co.
Sep 11
Warner Bros. has seen enough.

After TENET's domestic debacle this past weekend, the studio has pushed back WONDER WOMAN 1984 from October to Christmas Day."

Here is another tweet illustrating Tenet's dismal box office-

"Exhibitor Relations Co.
Sep 11
WB press release re: TENET's domestic debut.

"...there is literally no context in which to compare the results of a film opening during a pandemic with any other circumstance."

Here's one: It opened just 2x (maybe less) what THE NEW MUTANTS did."

Now lets go on to Tenet's reviews and reception....

I cant believe we havent got the Usual "Tenet is a real Crowd Pleaser" troll thread from queen yet in an attempt to spin the "disappointing reviews/reception"

Tenet is being Universally torn apart for having an awful Sound Mix that makes nearly 60% of the dialog in the film inaudible




Next Tenet Got Nolan's WORST Cinemascore since The Prestige(PS I love The Prestige) resulting in a "B" cinemadcore


for context, Green Lantern in 2011 received a "B" cinemascore

certainly doesnt bode well for "word of Mouth" and a Long Leggy Box office Run

all in all,Tenet Looks like a disaster.

Pre-Covid 19, IMO Tenet would have been a LOCK to Net a 175 Million + domestic total and 650 Million + WW total

But WB was put in a completely unwinnable position, Nolan absolutely Insisted on Tenet being released in theaters and Tenet being released as soon as Possible.

Had it been absolutely in other Director/Movie, Tenet and its 200 M production would have been pushed back to next summer/year

But WB couldnt do this with Nolan, WB couldnt risk pisses Nolan Off, as WB and Nolan has Made all of his movies since Insomnia(except The Prestige) together

simply put, WB couldnt risk Forcing Tenet into a later date and Pissing Nolan Off, Because WB rightfully desperately wants to continue producing future Nolan Movies...

WB literally had to make the decision, "Ok we have to release Tenet Now and Possibly Lose HUNDREDS of Million in box office during the pandemic, So we can Make Nolan Happy and keep him in our good graces , so we can continue making his movies for the next 10 years"


again, It was an unwinnable situation, WB was forced to open a 200 M+ movie during a pandemic which Will result in the film Literally Making LESS of its Potential...

Buuuut, The Massive LOSS from Tenet and WB's Willingness to stand by Nolan and his Wishes to release the film, May result in Nolan and WB continuing its partnership for the next decade and another 3 or 4 more Nolan/WB films.

Buut the point of this post was to show the absurdity of Queens attempt to Spin Tenet/The WB's films results....

Literally in every possible way Tenet is a disaster

Nice try Queen.....This isnt Positive News for ANYONE especially WB


Queen, Do you think Its safe to say Now with whats happened with Box office due to the pandemic and With future clearly heading toward VOD/streaming...

That Disney's record Breaking year in 2019 Will never be Touched or duplicated?

I mean, lets just look at Disney's 2019(Wink*Wink)

Disney's record breaking 2019----

1. Avengers Endgame---Disney Nets 900 Million In Profit
2. Frozen 2----Disney Nets $599 Million in Profit
3. The Lion King---Disney Nets $580 Million In Profit(certainly netted a "Once in a generation type"
5. Captain Marvel---Disney Nets $414 Million In Profit
6. Toy Story 4-----Disney Nets $368 Million In Profit
7. Aladdin----Disney Nets $356 Million In Profit
8. Spider-Man Far From Home----Overall $339 M in Profit, Disney gets $55 Million(Plus Hundreds of Millions more from Merchandising the film)
9. Rise Of Skywalker----Disney Nets $300 Million In Profit


Remember When you INCORRECTLY read Deadline's Title during Avengers Endgame Opening Weekend,and It hilariously Lead you to run back to the EG board as fast as Possible to start a troll thread where you Guaranteed "A 300 Million OW was Dead for EG and Then claim EG would be lucky to even top IW's 258 Million record"

lol remember Then EG Top 357 Million + causing you yet again to Miss by an astonishing 100 Million +

good times


...aaaannnnnd then there's Mulan.




Mulan? Chinese box office? 200+ million budget?


The same old idiotic billbrown.



Mulan? Chinese box office? 200+ million budget?


OMG Its Literally like you Intentionally just cut your own throat!


Thank you Queen for comparing Mulan and Tenet's Budget!

Heres another Mulan and Tenet Comparison!


Sep 16
If this new data from analytics research firm 7Park Data turns out to be true, then we have a very clear winner in the domestic royal rumble that featured MULAN V. TENET...PVOD V. THEATRICAL.

And it's a TKO.

MULAN: $260M
TENET: $30M"


Here, this Site is reporting Disney absolutely KILLED IT with the decision to release Mulan on Disney + resulting In 260 Million Dollars in sales DOMESTICALLY in the first 15 days of release


Lol Looks Like NOTHING has changed for you Queen, You've had to watch Disney dominate Hollywood and Box office for The Last decade , and now it looks like your going to have to watch Disney Dominate the future where VOD seems to be The New Norm

lol WB and Tenet nets a whopping 30 Million domestically

Disney Swoops in and Releases Mulan at the same time and Nets 260 Million

also, Hilariously WB has to give up 50% of Tenets pathetic 30 Million domestic take

While Disney Gets to keep 100% of the 260 Million Netted from Mulans sales because The sales came directly through thier Disney + platform, which Means Mulan's 200 M Budget is already covered, lol

So I THINK Its more like

WB and Tenet 15 Million

Disney and Mulan 260 Million +


thanks Queen, Only you come fail this horribly awful where you intentionally try to compare Mulan and Tenet, at the EXACT same time an article was published Illustrating How Incredibly Disney and Mulan did compared to WB and Tenet

God its good to be back Queen, Lol I miss FAILS like box office has been back for 2 Weeks and you already GIVE AN ALL TIME FAIL like this


to Further Illustrate Disney and Mulan's Success compared to WB and Tenets Failure(You know since you are the one who wanted to compare the two, lol)

Heres another tweet-

"Exhibitor Relations Co.

And now you know why Pixar's SOUL and possibly Marvel's BLACK WIDOW will likely drop on PVOD over the holiday corridor in North America...

Data: Disney scored big financial windfall with 'Mulan' streaming release
via @Yahoo"

Now lets compare again-

WB releases Tenet Domestically and Tenet BOMBS so badly WB Immediately waves the White Flag on WW84 and Pushes Back its release date, Clearly proving WB was horrified by Tenets Box office and saw no hope for WW84

lol Meanwhile, Disney Release Mulan on Disney + and has such Great Success, Disney is Now already considering releasing 2 more Major Blockbusters in Soul and Black Widow

again because you made the horrific mistake of wanting to compare, Lets Compare

WB releases Tenet domestically, Tenet nets 30 M, 15 M of which WB will see.....WB Immediately Pushes Back WW84 due Tenets dismal Box office

Disney Release Mulan, Nets 260 M, and will recognize all 260 Million and Instantly Covers Mulans Budget and is already in Profit , Disney Is now considering release other Major blockbusters due to Mulan's incredible success

lol Man Queen, I'm sure glad you decided to compare the two---

This is a top 10 fail for you Queen

lol You couldnt have imagined what you were getting yourself into when you made the awful and now fateful decision to try and compare Mulan and Tenet...

Its like God hate you and Intentionally set you up to fail



Heres Yahoo Breaking down the same article too-


Yahoo's title--"Data: Disney+ scored big financial windfall with 'Mulan' streaming release"



lol you just had to throw out "and Then Theres Mulan's"

I love how Both Article Specifically NOTE Disney gets to keep 100% of the 260 M+ in sales....

Man, I bet WB right now is trying to figure out how the Hell To Get Tenet on HBO Max for people to purchase....

although Hilariously HBO only has HALF the Subscribers that Disney + has, So even If somehow HBO managed to find a way to get Tenet available to purchase on HBO Max, Its clear HBO has no chance at having "Disney Type success"

lol the more things change, the more they stay the same Queen....

WB never Once had "Disney Type Success" Box office Wise and Now They Cant have "Disney Type Success" with streaming sales/subscribers either

Remember The one time WB almost Had "Disney Type Success" with Joker?

Remember How Disney consistently netted over 400 Million + in Profit on films based on box office results, and even has much as 500, 600, 700 and 900 M+ in Profit from films

Meanwhile poor WB just couldnt have "Disney Type Success"

But then WB Came Joker 1 TIME, when Joker Nets 1 Billion + on a Tiny Budget and WB had ist "One chance" to see "Disney type Profit" of over 600 Million....


WB self sabotaged, and didnt have convinced in the film while making it, and demanded "co financing"....which then resulted in WB having to Split 50% of Jokers 600 M Budget...

lol WB couldnt have "Disney Type Success" in Box office.....and Now they cant Have "Disney Type Success" with competing Streaming services....

lol Disney Still Dominating

Queen being forced to watch Disney Dominate A New Decade Just like the Last Decade!


Strong oversees showing (Chinese box office is almost twice domestic), but it looks like in the end it will lose money as this movie has not grown legs and is petering out fast.


Yes, my friend went to see it Saturday night and he and his friend were the only ones in the theater.
