MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > No house stands still for 20 years. Not ...

No house stands still for 20 years. Not even a new couch?

First two episodes it was cool, like 'lol, the house hasn't changed at all!"

But this time, I was like "that carpet looks repulsive" and "that couch needs to be put on the kerb."

Surely in 20 years they would have done some small renovations!


I think they kept the set the same for nostalgia, to appeal to the people who watched years ago.

But, in real life, it's not unusual for people in their 60's to stop "redecorating." By then, they've "been there and done that" how many times? They would rather put their time and energy toward other things. Things like "the house" are less important as you grow older -- and lack energy!


I don’t see Roseanne putting up with 30 year old carpet.


I don’t see Roseanne putting up with 30 year old carpet.

Really? 😕 Roseanne never stuck me a "Mrs. Clean" or a Martha Stewart type.

She, herself, refers to the family as white trash. I don't find it hard to believe that they never updated anything.


She still wears the same big underwear too


Apparently you never met my late grandmother! LOL She had the same furniture for about forty years, same lamps, same coffee table. Her bedroom set was from the 1940's. Her only concession to updating things was to have her couch and chair reupholstered. She had the same dishes for about sixty years. Never changed anything.

She had a "good set" of towels which hung in the bathroom which no one was ever allowed to use! When we visited my dad would use them because he said her regular bath towels were so thin that he could only dry one leg with one of them. She'd be so mad! ha ha But it was true. Paper towels were thicker than her bath towels.

Some folks never spend money on home furnishings if they can get away with it.


I remember I got in a fight with my ex girlfriend because my friend stayed over and he used a guest tooth brush, guest soap and guest towels. I guess my friends don't count as guests.


That was funny!


Apparently you never met my late grandmother! LOL She had the same furniture for about forty years, same lamps, same coffee table. Her bedroom set was from the 1940's. Her only concession to updating things was to have her couch and chair reupholstered. She had the same dishes for about sixty years. Never changed anything.

Yeah, that seems to be true with a lot of people. My grandmother died about 5 years ago at 90 and she too still had furniture and dishes from the 1960s and '70s. Some of it was older than that. Nightstands, and a bed she had when my father was small. The only thing that really changed was her neighborhood. It was all white back in the day, but when she died it was about 80% African-American.


Same is true for my inlaws.


A lot of houses are locked in time stasis. However, the Connors are big people, and they've raised a lot of kids in that house. It's not possible the furniture would have survived.


3 episodes in,it looks like a few small changes were made with the staircase and the kitchen from what I could see.. About the grandmother with the furniture from 1960s and before, back then they made stuff to last a long time so that doesn't surprise me.. Dishes from the 1960s through the 80s are popular on the vintage market.. I still have my moms blue flower corningware dishes.. those dishes are tough, many out live their owners, don't break very easily.. As far as couches go, my parents did change those through the years, so it is surprising that the couch is the same.. most people eventually change couches and armchairs..


You don’t know my inlaws. Same sofa, carpet and almost everything since I first met them 24 years ago. Appliances have changed but that is within the last 3-4 years. Everything is still in the same place too.


From personal experience with relatives, my grandparents kept a nice portion of their house as is since the 1970s up until my grandfather passed away in 2016. Same carpet, same kitchen cabinets, same bathrooms and, yes, even the TV purchased in 1977 was still used. Only exception was a couch from the 1990s and minor upgrades a few appliances, but that's about it.

My parents, on the other hand, did a lot of remodeling in the 2000s, but the carpet is from 1982. My old bedroom is the way I left it in 1998. Anybody walking in there would swear a teenager from two decades ago occupied the space.

I rent so no need to to anything on my end.

Perhaps the older you get, the less you care. I can see characters such as Dan and Roseanne not bothering at their age, barring what was done in the ninth season.


Hard to imagine using the same sofa for 30 years. My mother has been using hers for 12 and even though it still looks almost new, I know she's been itching for an 'upgrade' (though she only lives in an apartment).
Myself I've been using the same dresser for 16 years and have begun to feel like "damn, I should replace that thing".
