
1) How is Atticus the last in Titus' bloodline? Wouldn't it be his direct descendant Samuel Braithwhite or Christina?

2) What was Christina's endgame with the inheritance? I didn't follow how the purchase of the Winthrop house would lead her to the missing pages.


I asked a somewhat similar question, when Tic tried to kill Christina at the end of the episode. Yes I understand how he might have figured out (As we all did, well most of us at least) that Christina was involved in providing Leti with the money for the house, I’m just confused as to how he knew exactly where she was going to be & when to catch her.

You can give Leti the money but how was she influenced as to what her purchase would be, mainly this house? You see that crypt at the below ground level at the end of “Holy Ghost?” I’m thinking that the pages must be in a cavern down there, but why wouldn’t Christina go it alone or buy the house herself & do it, I don’t know. Unless she rather would have them do the legwork & take any & all risks.

As for Tic I see him descended from a forebear of Titus going back a long stretch. That’s the thing about ancestry that many people get wrong. It’s usually way back up the line that relations run, not nesseracily to anybody currently as you might think.


Yes, when the cop asked Leti who specifically told her to buy the Winthrop house, I really wish we got an answer, because otherwise it's just too random.

I’m just confused as to how he knew exactly where she was going to be & when to catch her.

You are right, I didn't think of that. Probably just a small town and he accidentally ran into her.

What did she do to him that he couldn't lower his arm with the gun?


She’s a witch, she used magic on him I guess. She said that among them if you got lucky you could have one spell & Titus’s one was invulnerability, but he had to remove it as a condition of performing the ceremony to enter Eden. I’m thinking that maybe she was able to take it for herself & now it’s hers. It’s a thought anyway.


Ah, yeah, that could be it.

The man you are calling Titus, btw, is actually Samuel. Titus is their ancestor, the one who impregnated the slave (Tony Goldwyn plays both characters though).


Ah yes, you’re right. My bad.


When TIC walks into the REAL ESTATE OFFICE CHRISTINA tells the other character JJ to leave before he picks up the box.

So JJ was the REAL ESTATE AGENT who shows LETI the HOUSE that she purchased, and Christina was the one who PAID JJ to get LETI to buy the HOUSE that she now inhabits.

Because it's also the job of a REAL ESTATE AGENT to show clients properties that are for sale (meaning JJ was also the one that shows LETI the places that she's seen and then decided to buy).

So all he'd need to do is show LETI other homes for sale that would also have cost more (but be in even WORSE SHAPE than the one she buys) as a way to influence her into deciding to purchase the one that she lives in now.

