MovieChat Forums > Lovecraft Country (2020) Discussion > Ok, Now What is This All About? Re: Epis...

Ok, Now What is This All About? Re: Episode 4.

Good show, 4 episodes in & I like have to say I like what I’m seeing very much. Once you get past the pilot episode that focused on the racial aspect which was basically a “Watchmen” retread you can pretty much enjoy the next 3 episodes even though the racial aspect never disappears.

But again per my heading “Ok I’ll bite, what is this all about now?” What I like about this show is it’s not afraid to throw you curveballs every once in awhile. As in episode 1 the question about Tic’s parentage which Montrose & George arguing & the scene where George is dancing with Dora, Tic’s mom who’s revealed to be “his” long lost love.

Then we go on to episode 4: “A History of Violence” which if you can say that it had a recurring theme throughout it, it was the question of Montrose & just exactly who he is or isn’t is what the episode was pretty much dedicated to if you read between the lines.

Again in the beginning we see him remember George & the conversation they had regarding Atticus. Then we see that dude (I forget this name, you know the one that tagged along for the ride) inform Tic that maybe his dad was not the same man he remembers as he implies that he & Sammy got “closer” in Tic’s absence, much more than he realized, so there’s that.

There’s also the fact that despite not wanting to get involved in finding the lost pages of Adam, which was hidden by Titus, Montrose apparently knew much more than anybody else in the hunt. Yes I understand that it was explained (somewhat) in his saying that he read the “By laws” book of the order but I think it’s much more than that.

Now last but certainly not least, he winds up killing that poor woman/man character at the end. Now WHY would he have done that for? Sympathy? I don’t think so. Now we have another curveball thrown at us. Who’s Montrose? Really? What are his motivations & what is he after?

After all he was “Kidnapped” & supposedly held captive by Samuel & his order or so we’re lead to believe. Could be very well be their Trojan horse or inside man in this whole thing. Their ace card to play so to speak, a backup plan in case Samuel/Christina’s main plans didn’t pan out, a double agent in front of everybody’s nose, even Tic’s.

This show seems to revel in having us question the characters & their place in it all. Christina believe it or not seems to be the most straightforward of all characters but we’ll see I guess.




That would also explain the reason why he KILLS YAHIMA (because TITUS also wouldn't want TIC to be able to figure out how to TRANSLATE the pages from the VAULT and then be able to do MAGIC SPELLS like the others can do).


It certainly is a plausible theory jol2049. Makes sense. Thanks.


You're welcome Jeepster.

Just watched the eppy again tonight and there's no indication that MONTROSE is TITUS due to the way he seems SINCERE enough whenever he talks about the past or about their family history.

But we also saw TIC possessed by that other GHOST down in the basement of LETI's house, so who knows???

Perhaps the characters aren't always possessed and only have their bodies taken over control of at certain times???

But there's also that other MYSTERY where TIC is Speaking in Arawak when he talks to YAHIMA. And how likely is it TIC would know that language???



Yes I agree wholeheartedly with what you stated, in regards to Montrose. We DO see his inner monologue so to speak at the beginning of the episode struggling within himself while remembering the conversation he had with his brother regarding Tic, so that’s proof positive right there that he’s still Montrose. Thing is a possessed being wouldn’t struggle with a conscience or unpleasant memories.

So I’m not discounting the theory that people have of supernatural influences on him but he’s not fully taken over by them, whatever the case.


So what about TIC and the way that he can UNDERSTAND an ANCIENT LANGUAGE from several CENTURIES ago???

How do we account for that FACT???

Would that also be a result of TIC being possessed as well???


No, quite simply that would be about his being a blood relation to Titus, where he had that knowledge or rather ability inside of him. That was already explained in him opening up the lock. It’s all in his bloodline.


When Christina went to see LETI wanting the ORRERY (the MODEL of the SOLAR SYSTEM), she told LETI that TIC wasn't really that special, and that the only reason why his blood mattered is because TITUS had written it that way (to open the lock using his blood line).



Don't let the men fool you into thinking it's always about them. His blood may have power in it, but that's only because Titus spelled it that way. It doesn't make Tic special,"


So it will be interesting to see if she's right. Because apparently it was also CHRISTINA who killed her father by doing something to make sure he didn't gain access to EDEN.

And one had also assumed that it was TIC who was responsible for her father turning to stone, when it was probably Christina who did it.

And now that MONTROSE BURNED the BOOK and killed YAHIMA, TIC is also left without a way to translate what the pages say that they took from Yahima.

Here's part of an article with some interesting ideas that also asks some interesting questions:

We find out that Christina, for instance, wanted access to Hiram Epstein’s house because his orrery is the key to completing a time machine. (Is she hoping to go to Eden herself? To rewrite history to give women power?

Montrose could have felt betrayed by George's affair, and thus doesn't want Atticus to inherit whatever birthright he has coming, which may connect him to some great power. Also, there's a chance that Montrose might be trying to take down the Sons of Adam completely, and knows that, should Atticus get involved with organization and accepted into it, he might have to kill him, too.

