MovieChat Forums > Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood (2019) Discussion > Would this film still be loved without Q...

Would this film still be loved without QT?

I was thinking, what if this movie were not made by QT and was instead written and directed by some other random filmmaker. Would the film still be appreciated? I feel like most of the film’s acclaim comes from understanding QT’s history, and without this being his personal tribute to the time period, does the film lose some of its magic?


I’m not a Tarantino fan, although I have never actually disliked any of his films. OUATIH is the first one I have watched a second time, however, and it actually grew on me with the rewatch. I think the recreation of 1969 Hollywood is just wonderful and the film, while somewhat aimless, carries one along with its humour and charm.


If this film got made, with this cast and style and story, and I got to see it, then I would enjoy it whoever was at the helm. So I don't agree that it's appreciated just because it's a QT film - but I do suspect only QT could have got it made.


Well, QT was once a random director, but Reservoir Dogs went over pretty well, especially in England where it was better promoted.


Well.. Only someone like QT can make a movie like this.


Well it's my second favorite film by him, so probably.


Not as loved as it is now.

You'd be surprised how much external factors impact a films reception and reputation.

Take away QT, Pitt and DiCaprio and replace them with no names (who do equally as well) and the film wouldn't be as well liked as it is now.


Based OP.

People really need to understand that much of movie discourse is dictated by factors EXTERNAL to the movie itself.
