MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > Robbie's a piece of shit

Robbie's a piece of shit

He nearly kills/cripples Miguel and not once does he apologize to him, infact when he first sees him since getting out of jail he tries to fight him again. He seriously wanted to fight a kid he just nearly killed who just got able to walk again, theres not another character in the show as bad as Robbie imo.


Agreed. I couldn't believe he went for him again!


It was really disappointing that he didn't show an ounce of remorse for what he did. But that the people around him also didn't drill it into him that he almost killed Miguel.


I didn't exactly love Robby as a character. I was never quite sold on the sincerity of his reformed bad boy arc between season 1-2. Still I was surprised at the level of shitbag behavior of being completely unapologetic about almost killing/crippling Miguel & doubles down by eagerly trying to fight him again while Miguel is still recovering the first time he sees him. I guess it was meant to show how hardened & bitter his rough experience in Juvie had made him.


Robbie's had a ton of shitbag behavior moments throughout the show, going back to S2 when Miguel brought back Mr Miyagi's medal of honor, Robbie takes it then doesn't even tell Sam cause he didn't want Miguel to earn any kind of points with her, cause he wants Sam to keep seeing Miguel as an asshole so he can feel secure in that he's seen as the good guy in her eyes.


Well, he was trained by Daniel who lacks honor himself. Daniel even beat up an elderly man in the last episode.


Oh so spoilers, onya!


Robby is a piece of shit, but that's the point. We need more than Kreese to carry the stench. Robby has a good reason to fertilize the story - he was the product of a broken home and a father than let him down time after time.

I thought the writers missed a great opportunity when Robby confronted Miguel and tried to sucker punch him for being with Sam. Miguel could have said something to the effect that he showed Robby mercy at the school fight, and Robby responded by kicking him off the balcony.

But Robby is Johnny's son, and since we expect things to be wrapped up at some point, I think Robby will eventually be "reclaimed" like Hawk was.
