MovieChat Forums > Joker (2019) Discussion > What's the point of such a depressing fi...

What's the point of such a depressing film?

Just to show you can make it? This was pretty bad.

Joaquin Phoenix's performance was not "amazing". Any actor can play like an over the top "loner"/nut character like that. The way he moved and cavorted around was awful.

I only went to see this cause... there's a theater near me that has really cheap tickets..... and I just wanted to experience something comic booky that *wasn't* 170 effing minutes long.


To get money out of pimply incels who think it's deep and profound.


Well as far as I could tell it was mostly "normal people" watching in my theater... I live in England, dunno wut american audiences were like


Mostly normal people watched it in the US too, I reckon. For some reason, certain people suddenly became afraid that watching a movie with the Joker in it would make people go crazy and kill everyone. I mean, it's not like this movie featured the fourth or fifth actor to ever play the Joker or anything.


You're just a normal bloke with zero mental issues eh?


Most definitely


In that case, you will never understand.


It was about mental illness, systems of power, political and social conditions reacting to one another as well as putting additional pressure on the mentally ill, demagogues, figureheads, socio-political movements, classism, and celebrity.

Any actor can't just do what Phoenix did. I thought his performance was brilliant and he tapped into something very unique and moving with this character.

I think it was an insightful film, although quite damning of a lot of society as well as of several different zealous factions today. It's also kinda damning of factionalism in-general.

It was, as you point out, also kinda refreshing to have a comic book film delivered for a standard run length, without executives already planning thirteen sequels and/or spinoffs, and with the film aimed at a grown-up audience instead of a teenage one.

The attempt that the movie made to mess with the formula and to try to do its own thing is pretty admirable in and of itself. Succeed or fail, there's something laudable about trying a new(ish) thing.


It’s a character study that puts up a mirror to show how disregarded white males are in society. The left doesn’t even hide their racism towards us anymore.
