True Events?

How much of a stretch is this show from true events?
Watched the first episode, however the "Chess" flashback was too disturbing.


I am sure much worse things than that happened in reality.


Actually the chess thing was from a Kurt Vonnegut short story, which had a chess match between a Latin American guerrilla leader and an American using men for pieces. Whenever a piece was taken they were taken by the guerrilla and shot. At the end all the players reappeared and were fine; he just wanted to make a point about sacrifice. Whether the scenarios in this series have any basis in reality I don't know. However everything in this series is over-the-top.


There were plenty of people who wanted revenge. Not just the Jews.
The Soviet occupational forces in Germany, for example, weren't very gentle with the locals.
There were Nazi hunters.
Israel (which is not mentioned in the show at all for some reason) did a fair share of killing Nazis all over the globe.

As for the actual crimes, there might not have been "human chess" but there was enough demented sadists among the SS camp guards\officers\doctors. Absolute power over people's lives + ideological justification is a powerful drug that brings out the very worst in people.


Not a jot of truth in any of it. It's ALL fiction.

Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored.


No, it really isn't.

You should look up Operation Paperclip.
