MovieChat Forums > Russian Doll (2019) Discussion > Just one minor gripe about the series...

Just one minor gripe about the series...

Nadia design the games that Alan play and there was that game he said is crap coz he couldnt get pass certain level and he is convinced the developer didnt play through their games. Nadia proceed to prove him wrong but couldnt beat the game as well, then we see him having another go at it after being kick out of her house but fail to beat the level as well. Then the game was cleanly forgotten in the next and subsequent episodes.

Kinda missed opportunity there and I thought they might get some kind of clue from beating the game but in the end its all for nought wtf? Why put it in the series if it leads nowwhere?


The same way the story with the writing on the wall was put to rest, also Horse's shoes, the whole story with John etc. That's how the show was structured: people look for clues that only prove to be dead ends or of no importance.


The John part is relevant though as she finally gave the book to his daughter.


Sure. But what happened to John himself? We never know. Also, the whole story with the book turned out to be not that important. I mean it was important but not crucial. Also those guys in the night shop. They seemed somehow connected to the mystery but no, just some jerks.


Things were disappearing every time they reset the loop. John and most of the people at the party were lost in that at some point. Considering his daughter still existed and was waiting to meet him, I guess it just meant that reality wasn't actually changing and that what was happening was confined to her and Alan. Meaning that everything was normal up until the point where they reset, but whatever they were stuck in was crashing around them.

The guys in the store were just comic relief.


He never thought to go on gamefaqs, too...

