Season 2

I really, really liked season 1. I loved that it was a complete story. I know I shared a quote on an earlier post that it was planned originally to be 3 seasons, so I hope season 2 can be as good as the first. I won't hold my breath though.


I just finished season two.
What did you think?


I still haven't finished it. I binged the first season in a couple of days. I just couldn't get into it. I am going to try again, because I might just not have been in the mood. I watched 3 episodes. What did you think?


I liked it but not as much as the first season.


Finally got around to watching season 2 and while it was good, not nearly as good as 1. Kind of a disappointment that they didn't use Alan more. Otherwise I look forward to season 3.


Watching it at the moment.

It's pretty poor in comparison to the first season. The concept is nowhere near as good as the first season and seems to be pretty random in operation.

The show's okay overall. The lead character is hilariously playing it as a female Larry David.


Finally started it last night, & binged all of Season 1.

8.5/10. Pretty unique concept. Great dialogue & Lyonne is hilarious.

Watching episode 2 of S02 now. Feels a bit different so far.


Will be interesting to see what you think of Season 2.

I've started episode 5 but stopped it after ~ 10 mins. Not sure if I'll bother finishing.

Don't want to drop any spoilers but it will be interesting to see how you found it...


I've already been "spoiled", having read the Wiki page & the comments here.

I just stopped S02E04 about 10m in, because now, things are starting to go haywire a bit. I'll keep at it though.

But yes, so far S02 doesn't feel like the same show that S01 was.


Ah, okay. If you're that far in it's not really spoiling anything to say my issue is with the contrivance for season 2.

Sure in season 1, we don't know why it was happening to either of them but it's easy enough to just go with the fact that it is and they try to work it out between them.

Season 2 just seems more random in what's happening with her and him, different locations, etc. Almost seems daft to complain about it as it shouldn't really matter, it's just a mechanism to let the show play out but I just don't like that it seems inconsistent.


I finally finished S02, & frankly, the last two episodes were the only ones that felt like the first season. Honestly, that should've been the plot for the entire season, instead of padding it out with all the multiple locations, etc.

IDK, I get the feeling that maybe they didn't feel the direction of the last 2 episodes would be enough to fill out the whole season, but I think it could've worked.

I have no idea where they could take this for a third season. I have heard it was planned as a 3 season series, but IDK if that's ever gonna happen.

Overall, I give it as a whole (the series) a
S01- 8.5/10
S02- 6.5/10


Damn. You've got me intrigued now!

Was all set to give up on it with the Hungarian stuff in Episode 5. But now I guess I'm back in and will watch the last couple on this promise of improvement...


Yes, it does take an interesting turn towards the end of the 2cd to last episode, and because of what happens towards the end of it, sets up some interesting "Being John Malkovich"-like scenarios for the finale.


Season 2 is more of the same plot. It's kind of been there, done that.
