Another attempt at Girl Power comics

... like female Thor, this will bomb. No one wants to be hectored. By the way, remember when superheroes (and villains) had costumes?




You gotta admit though - albeit slow, Karl was right about most things.


Nothing wrong with girl power comics/tv shows/movies if they're done right and not preaching to some woke/sjw/pc crowd. Like Xena, Wonder Woman, Power Puff Girls, Buffy Vampire Slayer, Kill Bill, ST Voyager, etc.


All good examples of shows that were not cobbled together for the point of showing the heroines had vaginas.
Unlike this garbage.


Seeing as how the Birds of Prey comics have been going strong for nearly a quarter of a century, this movie will probably do just fine.


A whopping total of under 200 issues. Oh yeah, just gangbusters.


Monthly for 22 years with a few breaks.

It's Grrrrrrrrrrrrl Power!


It must be annoying for long time Birds of Prey fans to find their comic book heroes hijacked by Harley Quinn, and not even Barbara Gordon in sight as either Batgirl or Oracle.




I had fun with this Movie get a grip Margot Robbie casting as Harley Quinn is as great Ryan Reynolds Casting as Deadpool jeez stop being stuck in the stone age


OP is Incel trash. Probably the closest he's ever been to a vagina is when his head finally cleared his mother's birth canal as she was crowning.


Ah, the typical ad hominem attack of those who have no support for their position. You're probably my grandchildren's age; go read a book sometime.


They said that about Captain Marvel too. Not say BOP going to make a billion but not as bad as some think.


The gilded feminist shoehorn strikes again.


Typical GenZ reaction to everything:

"Oh, no! I'm seeing my first interracial cast for the first time like every other generation! Fuck this woke bullshit!"

"Oh, no! I'm seeing a riot girrrl female character for the first time like GenXers did with Tank Girl over 20 years ago! The gilded feminist shoehorn strikes again!"

Must be sad to live in a generation that has the cultural memory span of a toddler.


I'm not from GenZ. You're a Baby Boomer, how does that feel?


How does it feel? It feels great! Boomers were responsible for the most interesting, creative and exciting period in American history (the 1960s-1970s). They marched for Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, AIDS and the environment. They made brilliant movies, art and music. So, please! By all means, call me a Boomer. I want to be lumped in with the generation that invented the wide world web, created dozens of new music genres (rock, rap, disco, New Wave, punk, etc.), created almost all of this digital technology (like smartphones, PC, GPS, etc.). As a GenXer, I'd love to think we were part of all that but unfortunately, we weren't.

Thanks for outing yourself as a GenZ with that remark, by the way, because it's your generation that's so culturally and historically out of step with the past that you actually thought you'd be upsetting me with that comment. You have no idea what a "Boomer" is but GenXers do, because they were our parents, teachers and cool people like James Cameron, George Lucas, John Hughes. Jim Henson and all of these other creatives who were making great stuff that defined our childhoods.


Bill Cosby, Jeff Dahmer and Ted Bundy are also Boomers I might tell you.

"you actually thought you'd be upsetting me with that comment"

Obviously I did upset you because you went on a giant rant about the whole thing and vehemently asserted that you were not a Boomer when in fact you are one.

"They marched for Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, AIDS and the environment."

Why did they march for AIDS?


Bill Cosby, Jeff Dahmer and Ted Bundy are also Boomers I might tell you.

Obviously I did upset you because you went on a giant rant about the whole thing and vehemently asserted that you were not a Boomer when in fact you are one.

Boomers years: 1946-1964.

Bill Cosby, born: 1937. So, Depression Era.
Me, born: 1973. So, GenX.

See, this is where you out yourself as GenZ. GenZs have no sense of cultural history. One of the tell-tale signs of this lack of cultural history is to think anyone over the age of 30 is a Baby Boomer. They think this because they're not smart enough to know that "Boomer" refers to the generation of kids that were born after the end of WW2 and called that because they were part of a large "baby boom" after all the soldiers came home from the war.

Why did they march for AIDS?

Because the Reagan administration ignored calls to do anything about it and people pretended that it didn't exist, so activists had to literally go on marches to call attention to it.

In all seriousness, didn't they teach you anything in school?


I thought Bill Cosby was younger, replace him with Michael Jackson then.

Actually while parts of the government tried to close bathhouses and limit the spread of aids, your beloved marchers had them reopened and told the gay community that aids wasn't effecting them at a disproportionate rate. Better to be pc than save lives I suppose.

I'd love to know what else Reagan could have done to stop the spread of AIDs.
AIDS came from a liberal lifestyle. Drugs, free love, lots of sex with everybody. There was no telling that crowd what they could and could not do with their bodies.


The feminists over at Letterboxd love it and are celebrating its success. "WE WON" says one top reviewer, I thought this was made because it was based on the comics, of course it wasn't made solely to own the manbabies. Silly manbabies, come now see a film which despises every fibre of your being...


Oh, gosh...another GenZ moron thinking it's earth shattering that a movie is doing the exact same thing that happened a million times before he was born. Gosh, lemme think: never, ever, ever heard of Tank Girl, which was obviously ripped off from hell and back for this fake Harley Quinn, right down to the baseball bat. I wouldn't be surprised if Robbie wasn't basing her entire performance on Lori Petty.

Christ, do you cretins even remember what happened last week?



"Ouch! The truth hurts!" That's all I'm hearing.


all you will hear is an echo ....... completely hollow
