How did harley know (spoilers)

i must have missed it, but how did she know the girl had the diamond?


She overheard Sionis (or maybe Zsasz) say they lost a diamond on the way in when they had her captured and she said she could find it and get it back (and then assume when he took her deal he told her off screen who had it before he sent out the bounty for Cassie).


I thought she saw Zsasz lose it

IIRC, Zsasz wouldn't let Harley hold it; Harley then went to the car, foiled the kid's pickpocketing attempt, then saw the kid hurrying away from Zsasz and put two and two together.


i guess both explanations are good, but that could be handled better IMO.


It was a chaotic movie, sloppily assembled, with some bright points in my opinion.

WAY batter than "Suicide Squad" at least, but that's a low bar.

Still, if you're going to jump around a lot in time and viewpoint, it has to be done with great care to keep things clear. Nolan did it with "Batman Begins" and "Inception," not to mention "Memento." The first "Deadpool" flick also did a good job in that regard.

This flick, not so much.




ExTechOp, nope, that was Black Canary (she was Black Masks driver at the time), not Harley. Remember, she (Black Canary) called Montoya and told her Cassie had it. Harley found out when she overheard them like I said above.

But like you said, it does jump around a lot and I could see how people could put things in the wrong places by memory. l liked it, but I actually liked Suicide Squad better (I thought Suicide Squad was better than others did, but the villain/blob monsters were terrible). I think had the girls been together more, BOP would have been better (the best quote/moments were in the last 20 minutes when they were all together. Huntress didn't even speak until after an hour into the movie).


Hah! Thanks for the correction - you're right about how jumping around makes things confusing (did for me), but now I recall Dinah calling Montoya (though the first time they showed the bathroom stall, it wasn't even clear to me that it WAS Dinah).

I also agree about getting them together earlier - we didn't even realize Huntress was actually that insecure and off-balance until it was almost too late for it to be funny. Until then, I'd thought Winstead had been miscast (she's good at communicating insecure yet earnest anxiety)


No worries. It helped that I came here and answered that question like a half hour after seeing the movie. If more time had passed I may have mistaken it too.

Yeah, I believe the only time it showed Huntress prior to the one hour mark was when she saved Harley (which was all of five seconds screen time). It may have showed her do one assasination as well. But she had no lines at that point. Once they all got together with 20 minutes or so left, they played off each other really well. As much as I wanted it to be a BOP movie it wasn't, it was basically Harley and sidekicks.
