Barely Mildly Amusing

This movie uses every cliche in the book.
Nothing original, and alot of it redone badly.
I could call out seconds ahead how each scene would play out and predict huge plot lines (my Wife hates it when I do that).
And they come up with a tricky plot twist at the end that I thought (how did I not see that coming) and realized they tricked the audience earlier on.
If the Rock and Gal were working together the whole time, then why was he looking around to see if someone did anything to the egg in the van when the door-open red light came on. There was no-one else there to put on an act for, yet she hid from him twice. Once by hiding on the other side of the van, and 2nd by hiding under the van, as it drives off. Falsely leads the audience into thinking they definitely are not working together.


This is correct. It's a contrived twist.

I've just pointed out on another thread that he couldn't possibly have been involved with Interpol at the start either.

Even if you accept that the international anti crime force are utter idiots, and he just walked on their team, surely after they believed him to have double crossed them, they would have contacted the FBI and gone "hey, what do you know he wasn't an agent after all!". But no, the rock is still telling them to believe he's innocent and has been set up and they still haven't checked him out!
