MovieChat Forums > The Hunt (2020) Discussion > The Hunt Script Has Leaked and the Right...

The Hunt Script Has Leaked and the Right Was Wrong (SPOILERS)

Four days ago, MSM ignored this?

Commentators rushed to claim, without any basis, that this film would incite more violence against Trump supporters. Many believed that it was an evil Hollywood conspiracy to continue normalizing violence against the right.

The actual plot line of the story tells a different tale, one that mocks political violence, social justice warriors, Trump supporters, vegans, and just about everyone and everything else. It throws political correctness right out the window and ironically, a huge portion of the movie is dedicated to mocking the very outrage culture that lead to its cancellation.

The script cuts to a silent black and white scene, which it describes as “deeply f*cking pretentious.” It’s from Jean Renoir’s classic dark comedy Rules of the Game, a 1939 French film about the moral callousness of the high society elites just before World War II began. It is a film that The Hunt was clearly inspired by and is widely regarded as one of the greatest movies of all time. Renoir described it as a “war film and yet there is no reference to the war.”

Sure, the film doesn’t just mock social justice warriors, it mocks Trump supporters too — at one point even landing Crystal and her sidekick in a train full of Arab refugees. To see if they’re real or actually secret liberal killers, Crystal tells the refugees that she has a photo of the prophet sucking himself off in her pocket. It’s ridiculous, but funny. Tweeting portions of this script would absolutely get you banned on social media.

Ultimately the refugees die too, except a mother and baby that our MAGA babe Crystal saves. Would a liberal propaganda film have a scene like this?


Sounds like a bloody version of Trey Parker. But again, I doubt the leaks are from a shooting script.

Unfortunately, I suspect much of the edginess had been filed off the original screenplay.
