
I popped in to make this point, but I see others have made the same point (with which I agree).

There was a whole lot of complaining about this move by both sides of politics, but I really don't see why a Republican or anti-Liberal would complain about this movie.

I think it represents the true facts of life pretty accurately.

Liberals do tend to hate the conservatives with a passion bordering on insanity. The liberals also misunderstand conservatives and impute behaviours, beliefs and characteristics onto conservatives that are not correct.

Meanwhile, conservatives just carry on with their own lives, minding their own business.

Liberals in this move are made out to be a pretty accurate caricature of a liberal.

Of course not all liberals are exactly like this, but there are enough of them for it to be a serious problem in the world. The Hunt takes aim at these types and does not miss.

On the other hand, I don't think the movie attempts to make the conservatives out to be the caricature of a conservative that liberals wrongly believe them to be. It doesn't come close to this. In this movie the conservatives are just regular people, innocent, victims, not deserving of what is happening to them.

On top of that, one conservative is a superhero who cleans up all the baddies.

For what it's worth I also agree with another poster who made the correct point that the caricature of the conservative that the liberal has in his or her head, i.e. of a white supremacist gun-totting nazi una-bomber type is just brain-dead nonsense. There are in fact so few of these types of people that they are almost non-existent. Maybe the movie-makers didn't characterise the conservatives this way because the makers know it to be fanciful and if they did that the movie would not have split the population like it did - of course pretty much everyone, on all sides of politics, would be in support of those types being hunted and killed. The movie would have been non-eventful, and for one of them to win in the end would have been a bad ending.

On the other hand, the liberal caricature in this movie, is accurate for a large proportion of liberals, particularly in places like Hollywood, the media and academia (and in the young people coming out of those academic institutions) - it is a serious problem in our world.

The movie gets it exactly right and, in my view, this is a great pro-conservative movie. And about time, too. Yah!!


You try too hard.


Nope. You just outed yourself (as if you needed outing).


100% spot on.

The Conservatives in the movie were worried about "ManorGate", and the Liberals kept saying "It was just a joke!" but then it turned out not to be a joke.

How many times have we seen that EXACT same thing play out in real life? "Oh, the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation!" yet you can go to various websites and literally watch those disgusting videos of Hunter with his own niece and other kids.

GamerGate was called a "harassment campaign" but was actually a canary in the coal mine about corrupt media institutions, and now we're at a point where media is so corrupt that you can't trust anything you see on TV.

People called out vaccine passports being the future of this scamdemic about a year ago, and Lefties said "Conspiracy theorists!" (proof:

And now we have vaccine passports being tyrannically mandated around the world... using QR codes:

Oh, and what was that about conspiracies involving Bill Gates, CDC and Fauci? Oh, turns out it was all true and the USPTO patents and virus samples revealed it really was a global conspiracy:

And was purposely leaked:

Fancy that?

So yeah, the movie nailed it in terms of portraying crazy Liberals as gaslighting psychopaths, while the Conservatives were just people who figured out there was some BS behind the smokescreen. The movie looks even more relevant now when you see how many "conspiracy theories" within the past year alone turned out to be conspiracy facts.


Oh, and what was that about conspiracies involving Bill Gates, CDC and Fauci? Oh, turns out it was all true and the USPTO patents and virus samples revealed it really was a global conspiracy:

This was the only one I was interested in because it sounded like bullshit and the link takes you to a hackers website where once you enter the domain, hackers have access to your computer and all of your information.

Nice one.


This was the only one I was interested in because it sounded like bullshit and the link takes you to a hackers website where once you enter the domain, hackers have access to your computer and all of your information.

There's nothing to enter, it's a URL to the Epoch Times, archived since they have premium articles. Here's the original URL:

And follow the links from the video to the USPTO to check the patents for yourself:


I'm NOT clicking on a link from the epoch times, dude, what are you thinking? They are the front page of the Falun Gong religious movement!! You've given them access to all of your information just by visiting their website . . . Jesus Christ.

This explains so much.


I'm NOT clicking on a link from the epoch times, dude, what are you thinking? They are the front page of the Falun Gong religious movement!! You've given them access to all of your information just by visiting their website . . . Jesus Christ.

Then watch the YouTube video that explains the same thing. Here's the link for the third time:


Why would I trust your opinion after you just showed how easily you sucked in by a cult?


Why would I trust your opinion after you just showed how easily you sucked in by a cult?

Patents aren't an opinion, sweetheart.


I am not clicking on a link given to me by someone who follows a cult and didn't even know it.


You are an idiot! It's an archive site run by John Navas.


Oh sure, I'M the idiot who doesn't trust a website that's affiliated with a religious cult.


Well, it was initially just a joke … that conspiracy theorists blew up. Athena gets fired, and then her “revenge” is to make it real.

It wasn’t like “they were right”. She was wrongly accused. She then made it real, so you can’t really say that they were right about her. It was a butterfly effect that would have never happened if conspiracy theorists didn’t blow it up into a situation where she’d make it real.

In other words: Athena getting fired fueled her interest in making the conspiracy theory a reality. It was just a joke. People took that joke, and made it a big enough stink for her to get fired from a lofty job. She then feels bitter enough to make that joke a reality. After that chain of events, people are then saying “ I knew it!!!! They are killing people for sport!!!” Without realizing that they practically summoned the situation, and indirectly made it a reality.

The movie is a satire that pokes a ton of fun on both parties, and the protagonist represents someone that doesn’t align themselves with either party. The protagonist is a survivalist that doesn’t instinctually trust anyone from either side. Her personal politics don’t play a part in her desire to survive.


Her personal politics don’t play a part in her desire to survive.

Actually they do, since Liberals are all anti-gun, and she had no qualms about using guns for her own survival.

Plus Liberals believe in letting corporations/State mandate their means of survival, she didn't. So obviously she was Conservative since Liberals can't save themselves if their own lives depended on it, as evident by the amount of them who have been murdered at the hands of Antifa/BLM and did nothing to save themselves from a very easily avoidable situation.


Those are some pretty broad generalizations you’re making. Crystal was a military woman that was mistakenly abducted in another woman’s place.

Not all soldiers are conservative, just like not all gun owners are conservative. People can in fact lean liberal or conservative without 100% completely agreeing with their political platform of preference - nothing’s perfect. I mean, just about every liberal character in the movie has a gun.

Millions of adults in the country vote independent (or not at all), and don’t necessarily require a political affiliation to want to own a gun, or join the military, or learn how to defend yourself.

In the movie, Crystal doesn’t align herself with anyone. She mostly observes the conservative characters, and uses them as bait; and kills the liberal characters instantly - not because they’re liberal, but because they’re trying to kill her. She didn’t have a problem killing the National Guard character either.


Those are some pretty broad generalizations you’re making.

Not at all. I'm basing those generalizations on cold hard facts.

Facts: BLM and Antifa terrorized blue counties across the United States:

Facts: Liberals in blue districts are victims to some of the highest crime rates in America because blue cities are some of the top 10 most crime-ridden cities in the nation:

Facts: Liberals are majorly anti-gun/pro gun-control:

Facts: Liberals support "multi-culturulism" even while they're mainly the victims of it:

So no, these aren't really broad generalizations, but rather fact-based generalizations. A capable white woman who was in the military with proficient firearms training who believes in taking care of herself, independence, and not relying on government assistance (remember, she didn't hang around waiting for any diplomats from the embassy to show up) goes against every cornerstone of the Liberal ethos. It does, however, fit perfectly in line with what Conservatives believe.

Again, this is just based on real-life statistics and cold hard irrefutable facts.


She did wait around for a diplomat to arrive - she couldn’t leave the camp otherwise -and then killed him when she correctly figured him for a fake.

Those articles and statistics are unnecessary. Your comment in question is “ALL liberals are anti-gun”, and that’s just impossibly false. I’ve known plenty of liberals that have owned guns, joined the military, became cops, and learned how to defend themselves.

The movie itself (as over-the-top as it is) puts a gun in just about every liberal character’s hands. Hell, just about every character in the movie handles a gun at one point or another, and a decent handful of them know how to use them.

I just found it interesting that the protagonist of the movie was plainly inserted into the movie without a personal bias. She doesn’t need to be a conservative (or a liberal for that matter) to be a good soldier. She’s only interested in her own survival, and had no problem using the conservative characters as bait (and letting them die).

What I’m getting at is that the social commentary in the movie had almost nothing to do with Crystal. She was mistakenly abducted, and shouldn’t have been there to begin with. She functions as kind of a silent protagonist that isn’t affected by the politics of the situation. I viewed Crystal as someone that wasn’t specifically one side or the other.


The protagonist was never confirmed to be a conservative. She claimed that Swank's character had abducted the wrong person. Then implied that maybe she hadn't. In any case, it was left ambiguous. She certainly never expressed any conservative views of any kind. If anything, only the fact that she had a Southern accent and that she was ex-military would hint that she might be a conservative, but it's not like there are no liberals in the South or in the military. Or she could be apolitical. She wasn't chosen for being a "deplorable", she was chosen for talking shit online about Hillary Swank's character

You are reading too much into it. I don't blame you, there is very little pro-conservative media coming out of Hollywood, and most of it is bashing you guys. But it's not like this was created by Tim Allen or Dennis Miller, it was written by Damon Lindelof who made the Watchmen TV show (which does include things like white supremacist terrorist groups) and is clearly a liberal

Liberals can make fun of other liberals, that's not the same as being pro-conservative


Yes, good point. I thought some smart person would raise this, and you have. Just before Swank's character dies she asks Crystal if she got the right Crystal and Crystal replies "No, ma'am, you did not". So yes, I agree it is not certain Crystal is a Rep. I don't remember the part where she implied she hadn't abducted the wrong person - what part was that?

It's true that I want Crystal to be a Rep. I'm just leaning on the deep southern accent and the military background to hold up my hopes.

Pretty much all the mainstream comedy and all the media we see and hear these days (except on Fox) is mocking conservatives. When I say "pro-conservative" I really mean that I enjoy seeing something in the mainstream that puts the boot into crazy liberal behaviour and beliefs, because we are literally surrounded by that nonsense and no-one ever calls it out, except conservatives in their own bubble.

To pick up on another of your points, if you read Lindelof talking about this film, he's very balanced, so maybe a good take away from this film is that not all liberals are this caricature and many of them do think all the wokeness, political correctness and cancelling etc is bullsh*t and worthy of mockery. It's a pity I don't know many liberals like that. I have lots of liberal friends, but they pretty much all are fully subscribed to the liberal book of rules/beliefs. However, on the other hand, I don't know one single white supremacist, nazi una-bomber type.


These days any Lib who's not enthusiastically on board with whatever absurdity is coming down the radical Left pike is pretty much considered Rightwing or, at least, a traitor to their (un)sacred cause. Even Sarah Silverman lamented this all-or-nothing mentality in so many words (

In light of this, presumably-Independent Crystal in the movie (Betty Gilpin) is a friend of Conservatives and mortal enemy of Lefties. So the flick veers more toward "pro-Conservative."


Liberals don't understand conservatives and just see them as stupid and evil. Conservatives on the other hand do understand liberals, but see them as blindly misguided and naïve. This is what research of Jonathan Haidt (a Jewish liberal) has concluded.


Great. I agree with that, also. I'm going to look up that research.

There's a terrible show in Australia called "Q&A" - it's a sort of political/current affairs talk show with guests. I saw an episode where the host/moderator got the liberal and conservative to try to explain each others' positions. It went just as your comment above would have had it. The conservative perfectly understood and repeated back the liberal's point exactly correctly. Then the liberal had her go. She could not articulate the conservative's viewpoint at all. Not even close. She had not one single clue, understanding or appreciation of the conservative woman's argument. The host cut that off and never did it again, being a typical left-leaning media production.

My contention has always been that liberals simply cannot understand and do not hear any viewpoint other than the one in their own bubble. They just have a book of liberal rules they have to follow, which they do without question, pretty much as an article of faith. They have a picture of what conservatives are, which is stupid and evil, and they don't have the mental or phycological tools to circumvent that belief.


The movie also calls out the conservative conspiratorial mind which is eager to make up all kinds of conspiracy theories about the "Liberal Elite".

One scene that I found funny was when the main "Liberal" protagonist said something like "You want to slander us and make up conspiracies? well let's make it true for once".

A lot of conservatives tend to slander people (calling them pedophiles, baby eaters, traitors, enemies of the nation, etc.), especially since Trump's election. He seems to have lowered the intelligence of the average conservative voter which now always blames Liberal elites for his own life failures or problems.


A lot of conservatives tend to slander people (calling them pedophiles, baby eaters, traitors, enemies of the nation, etc.)

Nah, they're all right about what they say about Liberals.

Liberals are out there protesting right now for the right to murder babies up until the last trimester. You do know what they do with aborted baby parts right?

Here, read it (and watch it) and weep:

The main enemy of this nation are those who turn a blind eye to the evils that Liberals do, and then try to justify it by saying "Well Conservatives are conspiracy theorists!" as if it changes the truth.


The movie pokes over-the-top fun at both parties. The survivor actually represents someone that isn’t affiliated with either party - she just wants to live, and doesn’t really trust anyone on either side.

The survivor is there by accident, and believes that everyone is lying to her. She actually represents the middle ground between both parties. IMO, the movie is actually pretty cleverly constructed. It’s over-the-top, but it’s instantly apparent in the movie that she isn’t eager to align herself with anyone, and suspects everyone of being a barrier to her survival.

As it turns out, she was right to not trust anyone. Athena potentially manipulated her into killing Don, but that’s part of the social commentary of the movie (of how easily people can be manipulated into making strong decisions). In the end, Athena’s dying words are “whoops” - She abducted the wrong Crystal; a Crystal that wasn’t painted with broad strokes of “Liberal or Conservative”.


OP, you “popped in” to make a propaganda point 5 months ago, then you vanished. So, fuck you, painfully and humiliatingly, by a bunch of guys who have AIDES, leprosy and syphilis. The video goes online.


