MovieChat Forums > Manifest (2018) Discussion > If this show would have come out a decad...

If this show would have come out a decade ago it would have had way more following!

I think its a good show,not awesome,but good. Its similar to shows like Lost and Once Upon A Time,to make two examples. You know,mysteries,planes,and soap-opera style moments. Those kind of shows were doing great after the success of Lost,so around the end of the 00s and the early 10s,but now,not so much. Right now are doing great the fantasy,superhero,and sci-fi shows,following the success of series like GOT and TWD. By the way i remember that when Manifest was announced as a series,people predicted "oh this will be canceled after a few episodes" instead its already on season 3! So its going better than expected.


I am on season 1 and so far i like it


If it didn't have religious sub tones, it would have been canceled immediately. That's probably the reason why they went full on religious in the third season - to ensure a fourth one.


Why you think so? Religion isntactually very well liked in Hollywood nowadays.


Maybe it's not liked by Hollywood, but it definitely sells.
The series conclusion kinda proved that.


Reminds me more of The 4400 and The Returned.
