Boycott !!

Let’s ruin Ruin Johnson once and for all.




Phew 💨


This movie is for grown ups, you want Playmobil: The Movie.


It's for grown up DOUCHEBAGS!


Directed by a douche.


Oh, grow up, OP. You're severely butthurt just because Rian Johnson didn't make the Star Wars movie you wanted. Knives Out is a BRILLIANT movie, and you're just sore.


He didn't make the Star Wars movie anyone wanted. In fact, he along with Kathleen Kennedy may have ruined some of the most valuable IP in film.


Speak for yourself. His Star Wars was way better than The Force Awakens. That movie was shit.


You are correct. Ruin Johnson didn’t make the Star Wars movie I wanted. It also wasn’t for my wife and children or any other people I have spoken too. Seems like only non or casual Star Wars fans (like yourself) seemed to have enjoyed it.
Check this link out.


"Seems like only non or casual Star Wars fans (like yourself) seemed to have enjoyed it."


Yes, I consider myself a casual fan of Star Wars, but I despised Last Jedi, too. But Kathleen Kennedy picked RJ for Star Wars, so don't blame people like me for liking his other movies, blame her. Part of the problem is that hardcore fans' expectations for Star Wars is irrationally high, and I despised TFA (for killing Luke as well as other things) as well, even though many of you seemed to love it even though it retold ANH. And then, when Star Wars takes a somewhat original turn with TLJ, you all turn on the director, like you turned on George Lucas with the Prequels, which I also like as well as the OT.

Part of the problem is you hardcore fans who have attained unreachable demands of QUALITY from Star Wars, especially in this modern Hollywoke climate. You had your ANH moment, then got into an orgasm of extacy about ESB, and then were brutally let down by Lucas' own decision about including the Ewoks in ROTJ. It was all downhill from there until some hack, unoriginal director in 2015 decided to remake ANH, and for some daft reason, you hardcore fans all loved him for his lack of originality or world-building. And you blame us for wanting something remotely different?


'Was the cast led by a strong woman lead?' is what I want to know.

I think I speak for all of us when I say, 'We can't get enough of those.'.

Why, I told my wife just the other day, 'Take-out your own damn trash, and cut the f'in yard & powerwash the roof while you're out there.'.

I said it out of a sign of respect, cuz ya' know, she's so strong and independent.


I'm not happy with Johnson for messing up SW, but then again, Lucas messed up SW himself with the Phantom Menace.

It's time to move on.


Yeah, I'm not sure even Lucas understood what he had, what with seemingly hours of bureaucratic intrigue on galactic waste management and such in the prequels - still, it was his baby to work with, not something for a hack graffiti vandal to desecrate.

It's his fault, however, as the rest of us who don't work in Hollywood already knew what to expect when the greedy hook-nosed mouse got his mitts on it.

By the way, how long until Rey comes-out?


What does Star Wars have to do with this movie? Are people on the wrong board?


Most people who are as angry as the op about Rian Johnson's career feel that way because of The Last Jedi.


I am angry because I have little to no interest in seeing Rise of Skywalker, thanks to Ruin Johnson. I also sold all my Star Wars memorabilia, thanks to Ruin Johnson.


Then don't see it. It has nothing to do with this very entertaining movie.


You don’t get it do you?


This guy gets it!


You sold all your star wars stuff because you didnt like his star wars movie? Wow. You aren't a star wars fan. You're a bandwagon fan. A fake fan. Pathetic snowflake.




Nah think I'll see it twice.




Johnson has a history of excellent films. Yes, he participated in the further molestation of Star Wars and that will always remain a black mark on his record, but it’s a good record, he’s a talented director, and Knives Out is probably his best film.

You’re just going to have to ignore the sequels, the same way I ignore the existence of Die Hards 4 & 5. It’s a tragedy that Hollywood has poisoned their finest wells with atrocious sequels, but that’s business I’m afraid.

Get over it, cherish the originals, and support good films like Knives Out.
