MovieChat Forums > Knives Out (2019) Discussion > How the hell is this guy ever directing ...

How the hell is this guy ever directing again?

After destroying the most beloved and valuable franchise in film history.


He is a good director and he didn't destroy Star Wars.


Just because he did something different with Star Wars, doesn't mean he destroyed it. The Force Awakens was shit, and The Last Jedi improved on it. This next movie is going to truly suck, because the studio has to appease all the whiners like you.


๐Ÿ˜‚ your either trolling or have no interest in SW apart from stuffing popcorn down your fat throat at the cinema.
Oh wait, itโ€™s you again Monica. Hi.


I don't eat popcorn and my throat is normal size.


He did something different indeed, and that I applaud. However, he just trashed the characters without any explanation that would convince any fan.

He then proceeded to waste about an hour of the movie with a subplot that is just stupid, yeah the casino heist thing, instead of spending time in giving background to the characters like Finn and Poe who desperately needed, make them evolve. The chemistry between Rose and Finn was inexistent, don't know why he decided to go with that. I liked much more what JJ did with Finn, Jannah and the other Storm Troopers defectors.

What he did to Luke is just so stupid that with that alone he proved he had no fucking idea about SW.

JJ planted the seeds for a great followup film, Johnson just said; nope, I want to do that other thing, and he fucked up.


The Force Awakens was awful. I hated it.


casino thing is like 5 mins tops and it is clearly meant for kids with toy like horses and stable kids. fin and poe did evolve. JJ basically revived kylo from an emo kid to a legit villain. agree on finn-rose kiss, it came out of nowhere. TROS had nice ideas but failed to explore any of them because they were spending so much time undoing what TLJ did in order to satisfy whiners instead of focusing on concluding the story.

JJ destroyed luke the minute the scroll text came up in TFA. luke is missing for years. what is your explanation for that? luke throwing lightsaber away is poetry like george lucas says and is a masterstroke. because last thing he did with lightsaber was to throw it away and by doing that he saved everything he loved. what do you want him to do here, become a rambo/terminator and kill everyone?

JJ set up mysteries, RJ answered it in his own way. if JJ wanted plot to go certain way, he shouldn't have made it into mysteries.


I LOVE Knives Out but hate The Last Jedi. He is a great director for one off films but he is not a director for a film series that is already established and is telling an overall story. I do not know of his work on Breaking Bad but I am sure with a TV series you can have a few episodes that are outside of the main story. With a film series, you can not.

I always felt that he just did not care and wanted to make HIS film but that was only my perspective and felt I may have put a little too much of my opinion of TLJ behind it, then I saw this:


Watch Knives Out, re-watch Looper, The Brothers Bloom, Brick, and the Johnson-directed episodes of Breaking Bad, and then you'll have your answer.

Oh, wait, I forgot. The Last Jedi is the first, last, and only thing he ever worked on. My bad.


Nah. I loved Looper and saw it twice at the cinema. His ignorance and arrogance got the better of him and he killed Star Wars for the majority of fans, not the people who donโ€™t give a crap like you.


Killed Star Wars? Get a life dude. Last Good Star Wars movie was ROTJ and thatโ€™s being generous after the great EST. The prequels were awful and all the latest ones suck. You seem to be laying your hat on the latest movie by this director when you should be going all the way back to 1999....


TFA was good and Rogue One excellent. WTF are you crying about?


The Force Awakens sucked. What are you talking about? I will agree that Rogue One was pretty good though. The rest of the newer movies are trash. If if wasn't for the Ewoks, ROTJ would be a perfectly good SW movie. The Empire Strikes Back is the last great SW movie. That is going back 40 years. Time to pack it in already.


I said TFA was good, not great and who cares if TESB is 40 yrs old I still enjoy watching it regularly with nieces and nephews so why donโ€™t you pack it in already MF! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Really scummy dude. Hope your nieces and nephews never realize how disgusting you are.


Donโ€™t care. You're obviously after a bite and you got it. Play nice and Iโ€™ll do the same.


Over a movie? I gave my opinion and you decided to use foul language. I am surprised your sibling lets you hang out with their kids. I also wasn't talking about people who watch Star Wars packing it in, but Disney and anyone else who wants to continue with the saga. No need to respond, since you are going to be put on ignore. Bye.


And I thought we were getting somewhere ๐Ÿ˜ž


meh Looper was alright


Agree I liked looper.


Because he only destroyed it in the minds of a few hundred morons.


๐Ÿ˜‚ Just a few hundred eh? And just a few hundred boycotted Solo causing it to flop?
Not too bright huh??


They also caused the "epic conclusion to the Skywalker saga, 40 years in the making" to only reach the same box office as fking Rogue One. Captain Marvel made more. But hey, Star Wars is more successful than ever!

With FilmBuff's name attached to his posts, he's basically just an irony machine.


So you all successfully boycotted Solo, but failed to boycott the film that mattered? More likely, Solo coming so soon after the previous Star Wars film, not being a part of the trilogy, and being released at an extremely competitive time for blockbusters was to blame.


What sort of box office did you expect from Rise of Skywalker? The Force Awakens shattered nearly every box office record that mattered, and even Endgame couldn't come close to passing its domestic haul, so no sentient being would ever expect either of the following two installments to come close to matching those numbers. Disney caught lightning in a bottle with part 7, but both parts 8 and 9 have been at least as successful as could be expected.

The Last Jedi was the 6th highest-grossing film of all time upon release, and remains in the top 10 all-time. It was 9th all-time globally upon release and 14th now. Rise of Skywalker will end up as the 12th, 13th, or 14th highest-grossing film domestically, and somewhere in the top 30 globally, of all time. By what conceivable stretch are those anything other than successful films?

Look at the original trilogy.

Empire Strikes Back earned only 63% of what Star Wars made. Failure? After all, The Last Jedi earned 66% of what The Force Awakens made.

Return of the Jedi? 67%, and only 52% globally. Rise of Skywalker will end up in that same ballpark, and when you consider how high the bar was set by The Force Awakens, that's something of a minor miracle.

All this will be lost on you, of course, because you have a blind and irrational hatred of these new films, and I may as well be explaining to a Red Sox fan why the Yankees have been the historically better team, so take from this what you will.


You donโ€™t seem very worthy of the name Filmbuff as I find your lack of film awareness disturbing.

Who cares about the statistics from the originally trilogy? Since then Star Wars has grown into a global phenomenon and The Force Awakens easily hit the 2 Billion target industry analysts were expecting. You make it seem like it was some kind of fluke.

The Last Jedi was also on track for hitting 2 Billion and made a similar three day earnings as The Force Awakens. Then of course, the true reviews came out how shit the film actually was and the earnings took a nose dive from there. This is why Solo failed as no one cared anymore for the Disney shit show. Iโ€™m surprised The Rise Of Skywalker actually hit the Billion mark but I guess a lot of people just wanted to see how this cluster fuck ended.

But hey keep thinking the decline in ticket sales was expected if it makes you happy.


He should change his name to FilmJerk


๐Ÿ˜‚ nice first post. Where you from?



Portland, Oregon and Iโ€™m high right now. Why the delete?


Ha ha nice. I got high in Portland too as it was the first US State I visited where pot was legal.


Cโ€™mon man it donโ€™t need to be legal to smoke weeeeeed.


He deleted because he responded with his Bripod75 response, forgetting first to log out of his JimmyFishCakes account, as you well know, since you're both the same guy. :)


๐Ÿ˜‚ I actually said where I was from but decided to delete it ๐Ÿ˜‚

I love this place.


So let me get this straight... You posted asking not-you where he's from, 15 minutes later you replied to your own post, telling yourself where you are from, then immediately deleted it, and precisely 1 minute later not-you signed in and replied telling where he's from, and asked why the delete. That's your story and you're sticking to it? Okie doke.


๐Ÿ˜‚ What the heck are you an avid Conspiracy Theorists!
Iโ€™m here to talk about movies not your issues.




Its got everything that's wrong with the American culture, and theres this stupidity behind it.


Are you one of those fat nerds living in a Star Wars themed basement?
