Anti-white porn

Rian Johnson is a talented filmmaker and Knives Out is a wonderfully crafted film, but sadly he lets his disgusting racist politics ruin what could have been a modern classic.

He did the same with The Last Jedi where all of the villains were white males, and all the heroes any combination other than white and male. He’s Hollywood’s woke wunderkind, churning out popular fare stuffed with a level of patronising social justice messaging that takes you way beyond eye-rolls and all the way to genuine nausea.

This film is designed to make us root for Mexican anchor baby Marta, who is portrayed as morally perfect and radiantly beautiful, as well as her purely wholesome illegal immigrant mother. The wealthy white family are portrayed as unworthy moral filth, and Johnson revels in the final image of Marta standing above them, having drained them of all their wealth.

The one exception is of course the deceased Harlan Thromby, but like a good white male he gives all of his wealth to illegal immigrants - that’s what you must do, you see, to appease Johnson and his scowling mob of social justice warriors.

Notice how Don Johnson’s pro-Trump character condescendingly hands his empty plate to the staff mid-rant without even looking at them, and of course is having an affair, the swine.

The two teenagers in the family are ‘alt right troll’ Jacob and ‘SJW’ Meg, but just when you think Johnson might be capable of an even handed portrayal, he has Meg apologise for her earlier scummy behaviour, and it looks like Marta will continue to fund her ‘college’ education (where all good kids go to become hate filled poor me SJWs). Jacob’s redemption arc is conspicuously absent.

It’s a great sadness that Rian Johnson’s talent is outweighed by his fascistic and painfully stupid politics because I’d love to recommend his films, but for as long as he spews racial hatred and advocates destroying the very civilisation that afforded him the enormous privileges that he now enjoys, I can’t, and will avoid paying for any content he produces. Go woke, go broke.


Ana de Armas is white. Speaking with an accent does not magically turn you into a brown person. Go back to school!


No, she’s Hispanic, and her character is a full blown Hispanic anchor baby.


Hispanic means someone from a spanish-speaking country. White is a skin color. One refers to language, the other to a color. The two are not mutually exclusive

If you get married with a white woman here in the U.S. and decide to move to Mexico and have a child and that child is born as a Mexican citizen, and that child goes to school and learns spanish, is she not white?

She had two white parents. Does she magically turn brown because she is not a U.S. citizen and because she speaks spanish?

I can only dumb this down for you so much


Dumbing things down comes naturally to you because it’s the only way you can make sense of a world you’re too dumb to understand.

Ana de Armas is Hispanic but that is secondary to the fact that her character is a full blown Hispanic anchor baby, which you seem to be desperately trying to deflect from as part of your pathetic woke agenda.


'Brown'? As in tanned?

She is white. Her skin isn't even particularly tanned, but even if it was, it still wouldn't make her anything but a white person. She's of SPANISH (i.e. European) ancestry. Maybe, like many of us Iberians, she has some distant Moorish blood, but that would be going back several generations, and if we're using that measure, we'd find that we're ALL POC, eventually.


Its posts like this why I pass..


Pass what?


Pass on watching the movie


That’s good to hear. We all need to warn each other of woke crap so we can avoid paying Hollywood to fuck our films with their creepy political agenda.

Here’s my latest warning:


You do know that people of all races come in good and bad and anything in between, right? There's some good white people and some bad white people and some good hispanic people and some bad hispanic people. Think about the number of movies that are about morally perfect white protagonists, and you are offended that one movie now tells the story of one good hispanic protagonist?

That's racist.


Yes, but the OP is talking about *this* movie. The other movies exist in their own world (except, I suppose for the recent Glass Onion), so their respective views of the world has nothing to do with this one's.


TLDR: OP is just racist and whiny.

Can we pin this to the top to save everyone time?


Where's the 'racism'?

Apart from perhaps the term 'Anchor Baby', and since it was used verbatem in the film, I don't know if the OP is simply referencing that, I don't think there's anything in their message attacking people on the basis of their race. Suffice to say, I don't personally care for the term 'Anchor Baby' (although, 'ironically', making of my fellow 'liberals', were using it to attack Melania and Baron Trump a few years back).


But everyone in the film, including Marta, is white.

That said, I actually agree with the gist of what you're saying. It's not that I disagree with Johnson's politics. It's how heavy-handed his approach is.

Unlike you, I *don't* think he's a talented filmmaker, because if he was, he'd be able to stay true to his politics without taking such a preachy, ploddingly obvious approach. A more gifted (i.e. subtle and nuanced) filmmaker wouldn't have given token 'liberal' Meg a redemption arc. They'd have excoriated the 'left' as much as they do the right.

A more talented filmmaker wouldn't have made Laura Dern's Holdo (in the Last Jedi) such a dull and sternly humorous figure we're supposed to root for, but would have either given her some personality or revealed her to be a villain, and thus a sanctimonious hypocrite, but Johnson, being the overrated mediocrity that he is, who lets his politics rather than any *actual* talent or originality, do the talking, is bereft of the type of wit and self-awareness that would permit him to present his characters as anything but simplistic and one-dimensional avatars for his binary political view of the world. Remember, the villains were all white men in the original SW films too, but the difference was that the heroes weren't presented as political avatars for the director's heavyhanded political preaching.

Also, it's rather ironic that one of the least sympathetic characters in the film, Jamie Lee Curtis' pompous, faux-self-made businesswoman, who arguably ends up with the worst hand of all (i.e. a son in prison, and a husband who's revealed to be cheating on her) and one we the audience are invited to misanthropically celebrate, is played by the cast's only *actual* minority actor (i.e. a Jewish woman). By contrast, Ana de Armas is of white Iberian ancestry. She's no more 'oppressed' than I am, as the child of a white Iberian immigrant.


I don't know squat, or care about, Rian Johnson's politics. I just watch movies for enjoyment. I was surprised at the unnecessary political argument.

But this article claims he has Conservative tendencies. So which is it?
