MovieChat Forums > Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) Discussion > Black People’s Delusions of Grandeur

Black People’s Delusions of Grandeur

I’ve encountered black people who want Wakanda to be real so bad that they’ve convinced themselves that it will be very soon. These thoughts have been implanted by black celebrities who have fanned the flames of such an unrealistic fantasy.

Whenever I see a black person raise their fist in the air and yell out “Wakanda Forever” I’m genuinely curious if they’ve ever visited an African country outside the resort areas.


This title is a little cringey, but I get it. Someone else mentioned Pandora from Avatar, and I absolutely saw people online talk about both places as if they are real. I'm a huge nerd, love disappearing into fictional worlds - and having discussions about it - but some of these people are delusional.


Some also genuinely believe that Wakanda is where Black people would be today had whites not interfered in Africa.


That’s absolute nonsense. They didn’t even have the wheel or written language when whites showed up.

White People brought everything modern you see in Africa today. If whites hadn’t shown up...they’d still be in loincloths and living in huts.

Why would they turn into Wakanda? If they could do that...wouldn’t they have been more advanced than whites? Wouldn’t they have shown up in Europe? Or held the whites off with their superior tech?


Delusions? I just watched yet another video of proud black people walking into a store and stealing a bunch of items in broad daylight and not even trying to run for it. Such fierce pride and dignity!


On a long enough timeline...they always revert to Zimbabwe


Well, that's something I would support: let the Wakandez people build their mighty Wakanda in Africa and move their Wakandez asses there.


Unfortunately all they’ll manage is some ooga booga nation


Not. My. Problem!!!


I hear you


You cowards say all this from the anonymity of the internet. Say this to shit to your coworkers, say it to people on the street, make a vlog with your real name and address in the description section.


Expose yourself Goy to our powerful media conglomerates that will then turn around and destroy your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Yeah nobody takes that bait anymore. We’ve learned how to be craftier. And don’t worry when a White Ethno State comes to’ll hear us loud and clear.


“Crafty”, just sneaky little vermin like rats, feigning superiority over other rodents. If you were superior, where is your white’s only utopia? Can’t get it done because the powerful Jews holding you down? Lol pathetic


Well you’d have to be stupid not to be crafty, especially these days. After all
The motto of Mossad once was “by way of deception.”

You sound frustrated because we won’t take your bait anymore. Sorry we can’t oblige.

White’s only utopia? Well it’s getting built:

And many more like it are in the pipeline the world over.


Oh, so you found a little summer camp for fellow bigots. Ain’t that cute. How come it’s not a thriving nation? The Jews have Israel. Are you inferior to Jews?
