MovieChat Forums > The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) Discussion > John Walker is Equivlent to Derek Chauvi...

John Walker is Equivlent to Derek Chauvin

the similaraties are undeniable that whats the showrunners were trying to say and yet people thought he should've stayed Captain America when he wasn't chosen by Steve Rogers also Steve Rogers would disapprove of him taking on the mantle


There's an undeniable correlation to be drawn, but the notion of power corrupting isn't a new one.

I'm no expert on "U.S. Agent," but I'd guess the comic version, like Wyatt Russell's take, gave in to brutality and thus became "unworthy" of the Captain America title.

Regardless, no way should he have stayed Captain America in the MCU. The notion this series sold (which I bought wholeheartedly) is that the title, "Captain America," requires worthiness that a perfect soldier cannot meet through his combat skills alone. It's about heart, not skill.

Even Walker acknowledged that with his little "bro nod" to Sam after his (I'll admit, borderline cornball) final speech.

Bottom line, I'd guess Chauvin lived up to his name and was being cruel based on bigotry. Seems the jury thought so, too. He was a bad person, at the core.

Walker is a good person, at the core, which he proved when he chose rescue over vengeance. He's just not good enough to be Captain America. He also very clearly suffers from some degree of PTSD as well as survivor's guilt, having been awarded multiple medals "for the worst day of his life."

Yeah ... no real equivalency.


there is equvilency he killed one of the Flag Smashers much Derek Chauvin in cold blood once jack on the serum ala Blonsky once again yes the Writers made sure he was A Derek Chauvin expy


there is equvilency he killed one of the Flag Smashers much Derek Chauvin in cold blood once jack on the serum ala Blonsky once again yes the Writers made sure he was A Derek Chauvin expy


I think that's the point, though

Chauvin killed Floyd in cold blood, very calmly and deliberately, putting all his weight on a helpless man's neck

Walker killed Nico in the heat of battle, completely and understandably enraged, after Nico had just thrown a concrete pillar at him. Nico may have been down, but he was a super-soldier and far from helpless even on his back

The equivalency is the presence of spectator video recording and the accountabiilty that results


Hope its bites in The Thunderbolts Sam is Cap
