Sandy is Way Out of Line.

Seriously that kid needs a smack in the biggest way. He’s easily the most annoying character in the show. Know it all but know nothing kid who idolizes his aunt & her husband but can’t see what’s right in front of his face & the atrocities being committed.

Being told that you’re relocating like it or not because you know “All you Jews are being sent here, so what’s to be upset about?” But he’s not angry in the least, as his beloved aunt is involved but he spends his time disrespecting his father who has the balls to stand up & fight for what is right.

Young people such as him think they know it all above everyone else but they’re blinder & dumber than the elders they criticize.


he's just a kid


That kid needs to be sent back to Kentucky and meet a few members of the KKK. It they don't lynch him (and I think he almost deserves it for being the second most annoying jerk to ever appear onscreen, after Jaden Smith in The Day The Earth Stood Still!) he will realize what the rabbi is gonna realize about antisemites. Both the rabbi and the kid think all people can be friendly if only they sit down and iron out their differences. It's a nice dream, but things don't work like that, unfortunately.
Is there only one more episode to go or did I misread things?


6 is last


I think you need to watch the last episode.
