My prayer for Shang-Chi

Dear LORD,
We have surfeited ourselves on these awful superhero movies. They have become the dominant presence in American films. They are rotting the minds of our youth and we are guilty of spreading this contagion throughout the world. For the sake of film art, we humbly pray that through your mighty hand, Shang-Chi and all these other garbage movies will begin to bomb at the box office bigtime.

For this mercy, we offer up our praise and thanks. Amen Hallelujah!


From a guy who watches movies from Antonioni, Fellini, Orson Welles, Wong Kar-Wai, Abbas Kiarostami and many others - stop being a pretentious prick. We are not living in an Orwellian dystopia because people think this movie is fun, nor is anyone calling it cinematic art. Let people enjoy things.

Did you also misunderstood Scorsese when he said that marvel movies are park rides? He didnt mean to shit on them. Go back to your cave so you can jack off to critical theory or whatever :/


Not into critical theory. I am something of a Marxist. We don't approve of the ideas from the Frankfurt School.


Funny, because what you said could have come straight out of Adorno's "culture industry" -.-


Well, it wasn't.


I like Adorno's frozen pizza. Eetsa not delivery, eets Adorno's!





it's so bad

watched it over thanksgiving break with wife's parents who thought my sons would like it

disposable entertainment

not close to art


I am so glad to hear this! Prayer answered!
