For Americans ONLY!

MI series constantly set their story in foreign lands. Places that do not resonate with Americans, places we would never care to visit. It’s official now MI7 is not looking too good at the BO. Is it the foreign setting that we find so off putting? Is it the foreign production value masquerading as American that is a turn off ?
I for one would love to see MI8 set here in America. Looking at IMDb filming is set in unknown foreign lands as well.

If this was more American and set right here would you support it more?


America is very important ! I say yes. it has been too much action overseas.


Americans need to get out more and enjoy the world. It would be silly for people to not like this movie because of the European locations give the film some style. I live in Canada, 5 minutes from USA border and it kills me how Americans are oblivious to the fact a different country is across the border and couldn't be bothered to no anything about it, other than drinking age is 19 and nudie bars are bottomless.


America is something like third in the world in tourist trips abroad, but even while the numbers aren't all that high compared to population, don't forget that the U.S. is like a dozen countries all in one. There are many different geographies, different climates, and different cultures. Americans can spend almost a lifetime just touring the U.S. and never cover it all. Plus, there is nothing in the continental U.S. like Hawaii or Alaska.

Getting to the OP's theory, I don't think MI's theatrical performance has anything to do with locations, and in my opinion, shooting in foreign locations is part of MI's charm as it was for the Bond series.


People were saying this would sell well on the back of the Tom Cruise's star power and his recent success with Top Gun 2, well maybe it's Tom Cruise fatigue at play?

All I know is I'm British and saw this in the UK the day after it opened on one of the last showings, and the cinema I saw it in was almost empty. I was very surprised at how empty it was. Given that it's not been pulling in the expected audience, I guess this wasn't really a freak event then, and obviously had nothing to do with nationality.


wild theories here, i think it has more to do with just well its the 7th movie of a franchise,its not that original anymore while it has to compete with 2 heavyweights at the box office. i dont think there is anything wrong with tom's star power. but top gun was in spite being za sequel quite a unique movie, very well done, at decades after the original, MI is just another one down the line


Is Porsche911 an American car? Just wondering...


People are over sequels and reboots. Hollywood needs some original ideas again.


It's a bit of a different story with this franchise


I loved it. Thought it might be the best one yet, but casual movie fans want something new. Barbie is killing it, because it's something different. Who'd have thought


Given that MI was based off a series from the 60s, I think all of the films are pretty good. It's one of the few that I don't mind if they keep making movies, unlike others (cough cough, Fast and the Furious, cough cough.) Then there's Indiana Jones, and it isn't doing very well for itself. I guess The Little Mermaid is getting attention, but I feel like people will probably forget about it within the next few months. I think this new Barbie movie was set up to be successful from the beginning. I think a lot of people are vying for new stuff, but there will always be an audience down to watch sequels. Doesn't mean it's automatically another mediocre remake, that's just the case most of the time.


Side note: the original post is baffling to me lol, but I looked at his other posts and he's a racist so no surprise really.


You have got to be kidding. A lot of xenophobia in one post.

As a Brit part of the appeal of the Bond films for example has always been their exotic locations. Why do you not want to visit some of the places you see in these films? What do you find off-putting about 'foreign lands'? And sneering towards foreign production values?

Off you fuck.


This person obviously has no idea how many American films are shot in Britain.


'As a Brit part of the appeal of the Bond films for example has always been their exotic locations.'



"unknown foreign lands"...what? This ain't 1823 dude.


the entire world was pretty much well discovered by then


Places that we would never care to visit? Are you for real?
