

You’re an idiot.


No, I'm not. You're an idiot.


LOL... I mean I hope you're just trolling bro because your logic is beyond simplistic and plain retarded


No, it's not. A woman how gets drunk CHOSE to do so. It's HER fault for getting taken advantage of


If a woman, drunk or not, says "not" you should respect that, and that is not being a white knight is just basic human decency

Now that being said there is a lot of bullshit in rape accusations in some cases the woman gets drunk chooses to scrub with some dude and the next day she makes the decision it was rape because the guy wasn't brad pitt that is bullshit, bitches need to take responsibilities.

Just imagine the same situation the other way around I get drunk and under the influence choose to fuck a fat chick the next day I can't say "ey you rape me you are not skinny and hot" that is just not possible I need to take responsibility for my actions and admit I scrub up I fuck a chick I normally wouldn't fuck, that is common sense but skanks don't understand none of that.

People make poor decisions when under the influence (have sex with fat people, spend money on expensive and stupid shit like a samurai sword or something) that doesn't necessarily mean they were victims, if she willingly fuck a guy and never says not she can't the next day choose it was rape that logic is fucked up.

And for the retarded people out there who need everything explained I'm not talking about the movie I talking in general terms


People make poor decisions when under the influence (have sex with fat people

This made me laugh hard! 🤣😂🤣


Yeah I didn't say if a woman says "no" then that still makes it OK. I'm saying if a woman CHOOSES to get drunk and then has sex with a guy, it's her own fault because she chose to get drunk. She can't cry victim. That does not apply when a guy slips something in her drunk of course like Bill Cosby.


Well, in that case, we agree

If a woman chooses to drink and while under the influence make a bad choice she must take responsibility and own her mistakes and maybe learn her lesson like the rest of human beings.


It this what you taught your sons? That drunk women are at fault if they ar raped? Why does the rapist not bear any of the responsibility?


They are partially to blame yes.


OP did you even watch the movie? She was feigning intociation. She was a masochist who wanted to be used by men--while also using them. You need more experience.

You got your username from "Billions," didn't you.


Who's talking about the movie? I was making a general point.


So you never saw the movie, but came to a discussion that is specific to the movie, is that it?


I saw the movie.


A man's evolutionary role is to spread his semen
A woman's evolutionary role is to be selective with semen

If a drunk woman allows a bunch of men to sleep with her, who failed their evolutionary role? It's not the men. They succeeded in spreading their semen. It's the woman that failed.

just when I thought you couldn't get any more neanderthal ...
Have any women let you spread your seed ? they obviously fucked up.


There is nothing Neanderthal in my argument. I'm just saying women are themselves responsible for choosing to get drunk.


it sounded more to me like you felt that you were free to bash any women you fancy procreating with over the head with a club and drag them back to your cave .


Look at Harvey Weinstein over here...
