MovieChat Forums > Last Night in Soho (2021) Discussion > Stephen King is easily impressed

Stephen King is easily impressed

From the IMDB trivia page for this movie:

"Author Stephen King had the opportunity to see this movie at an advanced screening, and he was so impressed by what he saw, he tweeted 'I hardly ever re-watch - there's so many good things out there - but this one is special.' "

This film had some good things going for it... the cast, the recreation of 60s London, the period music, the special effects... but the story itself was crap in the end. So many inconsistencies, fakeouts, improbabilities...

This isn't the first mediocre movie either that seemingly received an endorsement from King. Make me realize why he's a better author than a film maker/ actor.


Thanks for enlightening us , I thought it looked like a good film ,

but I'll take the opinion of "newly formed account from a random nobody that probly hasnt even seen the movie" on horror films

After all , what would Steven King know about horror?


"After all , what would Steven King know about horror?"

Well, at least more than you know about me... so there's that.



Stephen King isn't a good author, he is quite bad, that is why in literature world people laught at him.

But... he has good ideas. He is George Lucas and Wachowskis, they have good ideas, but poor execution.


I loved him when I was young, he has a style that draws into the story.

I remember being scared like shit while reading the Shinning, the park in the snow part, the terror was so real ...

And he has some GREAT books that had been made into some GREAT movies. The Green Mile, Shawshank, etc.


I didn't read Green Mile, but I read Shawshank, the book is bad. It's the same as Godfather, the book is trash, even the director think the book is trash in dvd extra, but the movie is great.


I didn't ready either but I enjoyed both movies, haha. But I see Shawshank with high ratings on the web, some people saying that it's better than the movie ...

Well Misery and Shinning are great books, in my opinion. Extra Christine and The Running Man.


Shawshank wasn't a book, it was one of four stories included as part of his book Different Seasons.

It was passed around to everyone in our family... we tall thought it was a great read.


Same. I read the book AFTER I had seen the movie.

Scared the crap out of me... I thought it was way better than the movie but the movie is good in its own way.


lol I read/watched The Shining in that order too, and I felt the same way as you. Amusingly, the movie adds so much visual horror not present in the original novel, yet it was the novel that scared me so much.


"Stephen King isn't a good author, he is quite bad, that is why in literature world people laught at him."

YOU must be talking about another Steven King.

WE are talking about the one who has won Bram Stoker Awards, World Fantasy Awards, British Fantasy Society Awards, the Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement, the Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America, and a National Medal of Arts from the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts.

WE are talking about the Stephen King who has sold over 300 million books.

Nobody important in literature is ... laughting... at the Stephen King WE are talking about.


"Nobody important in literature is ... laughting... at the Stephen King WE are talking about."

Yes, they did, important people laught at Stephen King when he won Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters.


"People are saying that important people laught at Stephen King. The MOST important people."


"The MOST important people."



The MOSTEST importantest people.




TOP men.




That's hilarious! A bunch of snobs that have no where NEAR King's success are laughing at him. I'm sure he's heartbroken.


Yep, how dare people laugh at Stephenie Meyer and E. L. James? Their books Twilight and 50 shades of Gray are incredible success.


Then they're doing something right. You might want to re-read what I wrote.


Stephen King could be very well aware of the flaws and shortcomings, but it doesn't mean he wasn't taken by the film. It doesn't mean he shouldn't find it enjoyable.


"It doesn't mean he shouldn't find it enjoyable."

I agree and didn't say otherwise. My comment was about his relative ability to discern a good horror MOVIE from his superior writing skills.

Strangely, another recent movie I watched was also pegged by him in an IMDB trivia page. I forget the movie but I do remember than I thought it was okay at at best. It makes me wonder if he is being name dropped by acquaintances connected to the film makers..


I genuinely can't reconcile these two things you've said so I must be misunderstanding part of what you're saying.

"It doesn't mean he shouldn't find it enjoyable." I agree and didn't say otherwise.

his relative ability to discern a good horror MOVIE

Do I think Fast 9 is a good movie? Yes. Do I have the ability to differentiate Fast 9 from Casablanca? Of course I do.

I don't think his endorsement of a mediocre movie is strange. I'm sure we all have mediocre films that we enjoy. I mean, look how popular The Karate Kid is, but those movies are trash lol. We would still recommend them to our friends and family. I don't think that endorsement suggests that he's a poor filmmaker.

And yes, endorsements like this are always for marketing. I've purchased a book off that endorsement before lmao. sighs. haha


Must be a language thing... I thought it was pretty easy to parse what I said.

You essentially paraphrased above.



Then I guess we simply just don't agree; there must be a subtle difference to how we're reacting to King in this situation hahaha


He absolutely adores The Last House on the Left (2009). Which is such a random film to acclaim. I watched it years ago, thought it was mediocre and have never even once considered rewatching it.

One thing to remember about King is he is an author, he's quite 'poetic' with his words. When he likes something he really does lay the superlatives on nice and thick.


"One thing to remember about King is he is an author, he's quite 'poetic' with his words. When he likes something he really does lay the superlatives on nice and thick."

You might be right. As an writer of words, maybe he doesn't 'see' movies the same way a movie fan would. This is the guy who didn't get The Shining and thought the made-for-TV version -- with all its horrible CGI and mediocre acting -- was the superior version.


I can really see why SK loved this movie. It almost seems like something he would write. A character who pointlessly has barely-addressed telekinesis, mirrors into an older time period, mediocre plot twists, etc.


He's not even a good author.
