Tbone382001's Replies

Very cool synopsis/review on the movie SP! I really enjoyed it. I didn't even see the wound on her back. The fire was truly ridiculous also as you said. I also have seen worse, wasn't horrible. I also enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it. I'm more lost than you, lol. If I had a man cave I'd probably go that route. Maybe when I move. I've been looking at the 75 inch 4k's, should be able to get a decent 1 around $1,500-$2,000. Go bigger than a 75 inch and the price really jumps. I agree. It seemed so corny at first but it has grown on me also. I gave up on Iron Fist also and didn't finish. It's been awhile but I think I only watched 3 episodes. I used to love TWD. I still like it and watch it but it's starting to get old. I find myself FF'ing through parts of it now. I record everything, don't watch anything live. I certainly will, I enjoy the show. I like it much better than the new Station 19. Don't remember that. I'll have to see if I can dig up the episode somewhere. I think they were both miscast but I still loved the movie. I also think it was better. I just watched it on Prime on my 80 inch TV and it looked amazing in 1080. I'll have to watch it again when I buy my new 75 inch 4K TV. Not sure if it's available yet in 4K but it will be soon otherwise non the less. I thought the story was pretty damn good also. It was a 2 movie and I was never bored. As others have said I didn't care much for the leads. Not complaining about their acting, they just were miscast IMO. Other than that I absolutely loved it. On to watching season 2 of Sneaky Pete, lol. I think so also. I just love her voice, dimples, and smile. She would be a knockout though if she did lose some weight. It's funny that the actor who plays Nancy used to be in a show where she was the over weight overlooked woman. Now she is 1 of the skinny snobs. I couldn't understand a lot of what they were saying, it was terrible. Had I been able to hear everything they said it might have been a better movie for me. I just binge watched the whole season today. It's almost 4:30 in the morning. It was worth staying up all night, I also thought it was awesome. I want more! Exactly. You hit it right on the head saying he makes things about race that have nothing to with it. It's like every time I watch TMZ Sports he mentions race. Always making comments that put whites down also. "The white guy doesn't want to mess with the black guy" for example. Like any black guy can beat any white guy's ass. He is a racist asshole! Oh so your the reason the show ended, lol. I haven't read up on or heard what Piven is accused of yet but I think I read a thread or comment in here saying that's why they cancelled the show. Did he really do something that bad that they couldn't at least make an extra episode to wrap it up? I'll have to go Google what he is accused of. I sure hope so. I just got caught up on the series after binge watching it for a couple days. If they planned another season we will most likely be out of luck. Another show I enjoy done after 1 season. Hi Flower. I haven't been in here for awhile so just read your reply. I'm doing so good I have to brag, lol. I have cut my meds down to 20% of what I was taking at 1 time. I started exercising, eating better, and quit smoking. I'm actually doing better on the lower dose of pain meds. Got some of my personality back not being so medicated. The only bad thing is I have terrible nerve pain in my feet that I wasn't feeling on the higher dose of pain meds. I get excited being able to take less pills and now I have to take 3 nerve pills a day. Going to a neurologist soon so maybe he can figure out something. I don't have diabetes so it has to be from my back. Thanks so much for the well wishes! Ray came through and saved the boy and took care of that idiot Landry. His daughter would have never forgave him if her boyfriend died. I surely miss my weekly dose of Ray Donovan. The girl actor that got killed off was also in a show called Banshee on Cinemax. If you haven't seen it check Banshee out if you can. I loved that show also. I like the show a lot also. I certainly like it more than TBBT. I still watch TBBT but it's getting old to me and I don't rush to watch it after I record it. I agree that they did a great job casting the actors. The grandma is awesome and so pretty for her age.