Tbone382001's Replies

I think you should. I really enjoyed season 1 and am liking season 2 even more. I came here to the board to post the exact opposite, lol. I like the different storylines and not just focusing on 1 person the whole season. They struggle with helping someone and then free them in the last episode. I probably would have stopped watching the show had they gone that route. I didn't want to watch a repeat of season 1. I'm loving this season. I really enjoyed episode 3. SPOILER *** Now they are going to send that poor little girl with the crazy mom to a place where there is actually a demon problem. Yikes! Thanks Flower on the well wishes. I'll Google some natural methods. I'm willing to try anything. (SPOILER) They took care of the young actress living with Ray storyline, lol. I figured Landry would kill her after the movie was finished. I didn't think she'd be killed off already. It looks like a murder/suicide from what they showed but I got a feeling there might be more to it. From next week's preview and from reading the next 2 episode's storylines, it looks like a real interesting finish to the season. Your either blind or a Scientologist. Leah is pretty damn good looking especially for being almost 50. She has a great complexion and is certainly not a leather face. I'm sure she has had a little help with Botox or whatever but she looks great. I usually will respect someone else's opinion but it's obvious you are just trolling with at least 3 threads started attacking her. (SPOILER) Shark, I didn't get their thinking either. They would have had the FBI, State Police, etc, all over them after a FBI agent goes missing along with a small police force. The FBI agent was the only smart one shooting that guy low and then shooting him in the head. The guy that was on his back should have known to shoot the other guy anywhere but in his vest multiple times. I know things are fast and crazy but after reloading he had time to think and knew everyone had vests. From the ground he should have shot that punk in the balls. Still loved the movie and the shoot out was a great scene. She definitely didn't want the surgery and he should have respected her wishes. THAT'S what you do when you really love someone in that situation unless you think they aren't all there mentally. Abby was still in her right mind though. Then Ray makes a kid sick to try and save her when she wouldn't have did the surgery anyways. Now the kid is going to probably die because of Ray. He is a monster. I want to go the same way in that situation. No hospitals, no suffering, and no one taking care of me. If I can't wipe my own ass I've already waited far too long. I'm far more scared of suffering and losing my dignity than I am of dying. I already have horrible chronic back pain so I know how much pain sucks. Who wants to be tortured daily? Great show and yes it was very intense. I think the show will still be good with this other storyline. It does seem lame now but the show has great writers IMO and they will make it interesting. I mentioned this in another thread. I think the greatest thing ever would be if Cersi's baby was a dwarf. Could you imagine the freak out she'd have over that 1, Then say she goes to kill her baby and Jamie stops her by killing her. Well it ended up actually being 50 but it still seemed like more. I guess it's possible if they had a lot of men not actually die from their injuries. It just seemed to me like a lot more should have been dead. For example, Jon's girl was picking them off left and right and she had to kill a bunch more while they weren't showing her onscreen. Jon confirms 50 died near the end of season 5. So I guess you were just giving me some BS number and I believed you were being honest like a dumb ass. I don't get people like you but if trolling makes you happy I hope you got a laugh out of me believing you. I even thanked you, jerk. 22 only? That surely seems like a ridiculously low number. I'll comment again after I watch it again. Just finished season 4, that was a great season IMO. Especially the last 2 episodes. Thanks for the info BTW. OMG would that be the GREATEST thing to ever happen on the show, lol? Cersi has her baby and it's a little person. To go further with it --- she tries to kill her baby and Jamie ends her. Come on writers! I want a nice happy ending. Jon and Danny together ruling, I'd even be happy with just Danny surviving. I think it would be awesome if at least 1 dragon survived also but I doubt that 1. I hope Arya changes faces and takes care of all of the main ones that are still alive from her list. I knew as soon as he got shot it didn't have anything to do with Smurf or J. I figured it was the girl. That is why you don't tell ANYONE where that much money is. Smurf tells 1 person (J) she has a storage unit and in a few days time she gets robbed. I thought Baz was supposed to be smart? Trusting some girl who is shady as hell. Might have cost him his life, idiot! Darren I am surely hoping that the story ends that way. I want to see them marry and rule together so bad. I'd also like to see at least 1 of the dragons survive but I'm not counting on that 1. I'm thinking that when they fight the Night Walkers it will look like sure doom for all of them. They will be losing bad and right when they are ready to move in and finish them off someone will kill the leader and the rest of the Night Walkers army will crumble. It's going to be rough waiting so long for the last season. I'm going to have to think a bit on a few things like who would I like to see kill Cersei and who will the writers most likely have kill her. It could even be Jamie after what happened but there are so many good possibilities. Same for the Night King. Arya will probably take out at least 1 more major character. I just started watching it again from the first episode. I'll be binging for the next week. To me there is something off about her. She looks good from 1 angle and not too good looking from another, it's really strange. She certainly has a great body though. It's certainly 1 of my favs also. 1 of the shows that I want more and more of and look forward to the next episode. 1 thing I don't get is the money situation. Shouldn't Smurf have a boatload of money with having rentals and having done jobs for years before her sons got involved. Plus she is supposed to get a bigger cut being the planner and fencing the jewels. Wouldn't they have noticed if they were getting shorted by hundreds of thousands? Good point. You don't show anyone money like that. Your own family will kill you for that much money, it happens all of the time. I'm team Smurf, I hope she kills that ungrateful SOB Baz and gets all her money back. She took him in, treated him like her own son, and got him away from his very abusive father. I know she is far from an angel but Baz has gone overboard. Now it looks like he has called the cops and turned her in for murder. Thousands of pounds of chains is pretty far fetched. As soon as the dragon went down I said the Walkers are going to revive the dragon to use it against them. I didn't know how they were going to do it. I surely didn't see them dragging him out of the water with huge chains though. I thought it was a great movie. Can't believe I didn't hear anything about it. Pretty much every review I have seen was very positive. Check it out!