imdb-484's Posts

Claptrap disguised as clever drama (spoilers) So humans from the future send a message to their past...? Last ep: going back for Sam (spoiler) Ep. 1: the tire spikes Abominable editing How many years between BB and BCS? Did Harrison see Dexter kill Matt? The real reason why... (Spoiler) Question about the end of S2 (spoilers) Question about tranquilizers Why did Sam hit Lisa? (Spoilers) Ok so what's with walking right out in front of a slavering wolf? Elton's camera What happened to the 2 kids and the search party? (Spoilers) 2 questions... Song at end of S2E4? Scott Ryan wins Best Lead Actor Nicholas Cassim deserves an award Just watched S01E02 - should I watch any more, because... S01E05 Love American Style question