trippycheez's Replies

I checked out the competition and decided to stick with MovieChat. It has the archives: years' worth of valuable film discussions already here. Feels like we can pick up where we left off. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It has that scary-real "documentary" vibe and a feeling of total dread punctuated by insane violence. *shudders* Welcome! I'm hoping many of us find our way here and start posting on films!! Ahh, it wouldn't be an IMDb replacement if there weren't off-topic, politically-inflammatory posts. Now this place really feels like home. :-) @Gema, I was one of the users who responded to you and tried to help. I wasn't trying to be unfriendly, I was just trying to help you find your film discussions, because they show up for me. Apologies if it seemed blunt. That was not at all my intention. I very much want to help create a good atmosphere here. The site is brand-new, and as far as I can tell it's run by one guy who decided to rescue our content, so I'm hoping users will give it a chance. IMDb had 15+ years to develop, and this site has had only a few days! In time I'm sure the basic message-board features we want will appear. Positive vibes to all! Agreed, this site should be as highly-accessible to search engines as possible! If people find this site when they search for movies (or even questions about movies), the community will grow and we'll have an ideal IMDb replacement. Calm thoughts, friend, MovieChat is just a few days old! :-) I'm sure more features will follow after Jim saves 15+ years of internet movie history on a tight deadline. Icons would be excellent eventually! @Cornelia123 Hmm, I'm not sure what the problem could be. Did you see the "B" icon kind of ticking down your posts as it moved through them? Do you have the most updated version of Chrome? I'm not really adept at tech-stuff but I'm hoping you can get your materials! Right now IMDb isn't even letting me log in or see my profile at all. I get a 500 error. Hoping others can still get access and save their stuff. God: Yeah, it could be fake, but it would seem a bit odd for someone to impersonate a former IMDb employee for no reason, deep within a long thread on Reddit? It rang true to me, but of course, "reader beware." There's a Chrome extension that will do the trick! Basically, you open Chrome, install this extension, then navigate to your IMDb profile. Click the little "B" icon that will appear in the upper right-hand side of the browser window. It will capture all of your posts and download them as an HTML file (which, for those who don't know, can be opened in a web browser like Chrome/Firefox/etc. to be read). Anything other people said in the IMDb threads will be lost, but your texts will be there. It worked well for me! This post on Reddit (one thread within a larger discussion) offers an explanation: The commenter says they used to work at IMDb. Honestly, I prefer this design to IMDb's! It's light and airy, and you don't have to click "nest" or go through a million pages to see everything. IMDb had a very clunky, inconvenient vibe. Threaded replies would be nice; otherwise, I'm loving this! It feels liberating. (Personal request: If you ever enable signatures on posts... pleeeease include a dividing line between where the post ends and the signature starts! This bothered me for years on IMDb!) Also, Gema, you may be a bit confused. The "General Discussion" board is not the extent of this site. You need to search for the movie you want in the search bar at the top. The Uninvited is there, with discussions seemingly going back for a decade. Hopefully once MovieChat gets established, it will pop up for google searches on individual movies, and more people will find us that way. I've been commenting on various discussion threads to mention this site. But the people who created the other potential IMDb replacement, "themoviedb" (which is basically a ghost town with no activity) have been blanketing the old IMDb message boards already. I think people might be confused about which is which. Lots of folks still don't realize that the old boards are archived here, and that this is the best replacement for IMDb. I was feeling sad about the IMDb deletion, and a friend said something like, "Hey, someone should scrape all those message boards and set them up again!" I figured SOMEONE online would have thought of that already, so I googled a phrase like "imdb message board scrape." Then I was so relieved to find this site with all the old posts preserved. Seriously overjoyed!!