wooody@aol.com's Replies

Virgin Suicides...great story, acting and soundtrack! AND multiple suicides.... Freaks and Geeks. A superbly cast, written and acted dramedy which gave birth to a cottage industry of film directors and actors. Lawrence of Arabia.....Enough said! What a brilliant topic. I would recommend either Beckett or Lion in Winter Agreed! I love trailers. In fact I consider it a part of the cinema experience. VHS but it's hard to find and I no longer own a VHS player or an 8 track player for that matter. Thanks. My favorite director is Bill Forsythe, director of Local Hero. He directed another wee gem called Comfort & Joy. It is a sweet film about a lonely Scottish disc jockey who inserts himself between warring ice cream companies owned by Italian families. It is a nice holiday film. When Brendan Met Trudy is a saucy love story/comedy about a shy teacher who meets a mysterious woman who may be a thief. They teach each other a host of new things. The film contains many references to other iconic films. It is a witty ride. A big fan of Top Secret...the pre-bloated Val Kilmer. I'm an IMDBer as well. I have a good feeling about this site. I appreciate your thoughtful insights. As a result, I think I will be giving this film a miss this weekend. I didn't know he drew those Freaks and Geeks murals. THANKS! What a sad story.... I've always enjoyed Racing With the Moon...his first role as a leading man, Fair Game was an excellent film and he did a tremendous job. I thought he was terrific in Milk as well but I guess that isn't considered underrated. I think that Robin Williams is a tremendously underrated actor.You are correct. He was as effective at comedy as he was at drama. Columbo for me. With all of the anti LaLa Land, I know I will be slammed for this but my choice is Emma Stone. I have been a fan since Superbad and Easy A. Love her voice and attitude as well as her wit and style. She would be fun to hang out with. Keep your conversation monosyllabic!! I have such a Southern bias! WOW, talk about culture shock!! There is a fabulous Jimmy Stewart Museum in his home town, Indiana, PA. Stop by if you are ever in the area.