whynotwriteme's Replies

Millions of women and gays are huge built-in Barbie fans since childhood. They would love any piece of crap with the Barnie name on it, and this one catered to their agendas. A lot of people love real cats, but probably only a handful of middle-aged women like or are even aware of the Cats broadway musical. 2016. That's the date, alright. The MINUTE Trump got elected, the Left became so threatened and terrified that they launched their whole cultural takeover agenda into overdrive. Before that, they were content to just push the envelope a tiny bit, and turn up the temperature in the frog's water pot a degree or so every year. When Trump came along, though, they went into all-out berserker mode because they feared him so much. To be fair, even though the bounty hunters were on the side of the law, they were such horrible, loathesome people that they made the real outlaws, The Wild Bunch, look like knights in shining armor. I think Thornton was talking more about personal characteristics and habits than abiding by the law when he called the posse "gutter trash". Also, you have to remember that this movie came out duing the "anti-hero" trend of the late 60s and the 70s. Everyone, especially the youthful counterculture, viewed "the system" as corrupt, and those who fought against it as virtuous. Justin Trudeau and his son loved it... https://people.com/justin-trudeau-son-xavier-twin-pink-watch-barbie-movie-7570346 But Justin probably raised his son to be some kind of genderqueer, so it probably doesn't count. I don't know if you are still interested in this after 3 years, but... Thurman acted so so strangely I began to think Jack was an unreliable narrator. Like, he was making up how bitchy she was to justify his first murder to Verge. I mean, she is stuck on a forest road, all alone, and she starts taunting this complete stranger about being a serial killer, telling him where he could hide her body, and pointing out that the jack could be used as a weapon? No woman would do that. As you said, it was unbelievable and unrealistic. But rather than her character being a mistake by the writer, I think Jack may have been making that all up to convince Verge that Uma was "asking for it" when he killed her, and his subsequent murder career was therefore "all her fault". This one? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075378/mediaviewer/rm2638664705/ I have the movie but I have not watched it yet. Compared to the other late '70s girls in the movie she's not very good, but compared to current girls, she's probably a bit above average. Too bad someone couldn't get in there with a scrambler of some sort and cut off Obama's prompts. I want Joe to run. I don't want Big Mike O or Grabbin' Gruesome to step in and stir up the Demonrats at the last minute. No matter the extent of his problems, Joe should definitely be the Democrat running for President in November. It's so bizarre. When I was a kid in the 80s we did not have internet, and yet we were famiiar with things from a very wide range of time periods. We watched movies and TV shows and listened to music and read books from the 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, etc. Today, with all of human history at their fingerprints on the internet, young people reject it all out of hand and consider their own decade's output to be the ultimate peak of human experience and all that one really needs to be conscious of. But they don't usually offer a choice of vegetables with a hamburger. https://uploads.dailydot.com/2024/06/biden-poop.jpg?q=65&auto=format&w=760&ar=2:1&fit=crop Yeah. I don't get that at all. Every day the news tells me he's a worse dictator than Adolf Hitler, he's a threat to democracy, he incites riots and hatred, yada yada yada... but the guy won't have one troublesome whore done away with??? Like, WTF? Except it's slower, less exciting, and depicts a much duller period and less-interesting tribe of the American West. A strong Western world is not only vital to Western societies themselves, but to the entire world, including the less-developed nations that are rooting for us to fail. If the West ever really fell, it would mean the eventual end for the entire world. Western values are all that is keeping the world from chaos. The fall of the Western nations would begin a new Dark Age upon the earth that would make the previous Dark Age seem like The Renaissance by comparison. Without the West's civilizing influence, in a few generations it would be back to spears and rocks again for humanity. He should use this clip from the other day. Really highlights how pathetic and useless old Joe really is. https://x.com/i/status/1799201164702974267 All the Western world needs to get on this bandwagon. US, Canada, and Australia/New Zealand (although they are not geographically "west") have to throw off their self-sabotaging Leftist leadership ASAP or go under. He's rather subdued, considering Disney took his life's work, one of the most beloved properties in movie history, and turned it into one of the most hated franchises of all time. LOL! This is a picture of the OP: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/stereotypes-of-cliquessubcultures/images/b/b1/Neckbeard_%28man%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20200915174610 Goodfellas was a good movie, but Dances With Wolves was so much grander in scope and nobler and more "American" in subject matter. I have no complaints whatsoever about its win.