Ithilfaen's Replies

I have issues with all the characters except Alan, really, but it's on the writers, not the actors. It seems Wainwright quite enjoys flawed characters (and I love them usually) but is unable to strike a balance between flaws and qualities, for the sake of drama, which tends to make them more unlikable in the long run than anything else. I have to disagree about Nicola Walker though. I'm not sure what you've seen her in and I haven't seen Spooks but if you check out her arc in Scott & Bailey, and it doesn't change your mind, then I'm sorry to say your bias against the character may have permeated your objectivity about the actress :P Also try River, it'll change your mind, I promise. Not only is the character miles away from Gillian but Nicola's amazing in it. lol don't let the door hit your ass on the way back to the 19th century, mother. Celia has undergone a change for the worst since series 2. In Series 1, she was a bit full of herself and quite insensitive to anyone's problems but her own, but she saw her flaws and tried to make amends when she realized that. Since then, she's been a terrible person to everyone and sure, she feels sorry... or she pretends to, when the shit hits the fan or if Alan is concerned. She doesn't care about anyone else. It's been confirmed that there are more episodes coming. I think only 4 but don't quote me on that. Airdate is not known at this time, unless I'm mistaken. "Ok, seriously, what kind of "trap" is that? The target is like impossible to hit UNLESS you're a Jedi, and even then, come on." I don't know what you're talking about. I've done it hundreds of times at the arcade :P They're back to average now but they probably also work very hard at keeping their numbers up. Can't be worse than Matrix Revolutions. Actually it'll be better because I won't waste my money or time watching this one. Was it the explosions and music that kept your attention? Because my brain was numb after the first hour. It was like being in a coma and seeing lots of colors and hearing lots of sounds but bored to death. And the "script" is loaded with every damn cliché of the genre. It's like a compilation from hell. Mercenary turns Hero. Check. Sarcastic but unwaveringly loyal sidekick. Check. Kickass woman but just not too kickass please, falling for the hero. Check. Humongous army of all-powerful undefeated monsters... all depending on that one creature for convenient killing at the end. Check (no seriously, between Independence Day, Edge of Tomorrow, Falling Skies etc etc, it's like the Deus Ex Machina Special these days) If you think it has anything to do with Lord of the Rings, you must have fallen asleep during LOTR. Because they don't live in a trailer park? White trash weddings in Vegas are not a thing for most people. If you are looking for original stories, you shouldn't be watching rom-coms. Try the theater maybe. I think people just assume that cooks make a fortune because of a few celebrity reality tv shows but it's really hard to make a living in a kitchen. Actually the average salary in SF right now is about 15 bucks an hour. "Dozens of restaurants" doesn't mean they need hundreds of people in the kitchen. Michigan is a small market for that level of kitchen, unlike SF. Food trucks don't all sell crappy burgers. Working in a crap deli doing boring sandwiches for a guy who was schooled at the CIA is like asking an air force pilot to drive a school bus. He was doing interesting food in his own food truck. Doesn't have to be a snooty restaurant to be fun. lol another man-child in need of therapy. Are you one of those blessedly naive people who actually believe the Academy just have people watching all the movies made each year to pick the top 10 that will go on to being nominated for their excellence? Google "for your consideration" campaigns and find out how much money a studio needs to get a movie nominated for oscars. "WHAT is it with you people all whining about not enough characters that are non-white? " Spoken like a white person who never had any trouble identifying with everyone on tv and in movies because they are all white. What they are saying is: since Chinese is supposed to be such a big part of the verse, and since China and India make up for about 40% of the world's population right now, it would be more credible if there were Chinese or at least Asian looking characters in the show. If not in the main cast, at least at some point in the show... but there never was, not even an extra. The random spat of terrible Chinese whenever they were swearing was just to avoid looking too "network" I guess but it never ever sounded like they knew what they were saying. Heh yeah well if I was Whedon, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. Now that they are desperate and becoming more irrelevant by the minute, with crappy by the numbers network shows that can't compete with cable and Netflix, and because they have axed so many shows that nobody trusts them to keep shows going anymore... NOW they want to reboot Firefly? lol Probably with a teenage cast too. As long as they get Whedon for the name. I'd tell them "sorry, I'm working on another Avengers movie, so long" Interesting questions but somehow also pointless, in a way. Who are we to look to define or label someone else's sexuality? It comes in all shades. People are being a little bit open minded about it nowadays even though it's sadly true that it seems harder for men to accept it. So here we go. I'm a woman and I'm in my early 40ies I wouldn't call myself a fan of the movie but I enjoyed it a lot and I've seen it more than once. There are several things that I like about the story and about the characters. Most of all I think it's an unusual story, at first glance, that turns out to be "just" about two people finding the strength, in each other, to be who they are. Isn't that what love is? Well, maybe not all of it but finding acceptance for who you are, all of you, in someone you love, definitely helps you accept yourself for who you are. "How (if you wish to share your thoughts on the subject) do you feel about Kynaston's sexuality? Does it bother you?" If I was 14 maybe lol. I guess we are influenced by our parents (in)tolerance at that age. But since then? Nope. People are who they are. And even when I can't understand it, I have to respect it. "Do like the lines of love, sex and gender a bit blurry or clear, clean and most importantly labeled and easy to figure?" Labels are boring and they tend to limit the range of human experience. And if you're asking if I'd date someone who isn't "100% straight" or "100% gay", sure I would. What matters if who they are, not what label they are wearing. "Would you rather see Kynaston (character not real person) as one solid thing ((straight/gay)as some have previously posted) or fluid and undefinable?" If he was either straight or gay, he would be a different character altogether. His fluidity is part of who he is. I'm not sure anyone is 100% straight or gay. Maybe they are. Maybe it just makes it easier for them and hey, it's fine with me. But he isn't and it doesn't matter, as long as he knows where his heart is. "Do you see the yin yang, the man in the woman and the woman in the man, or do you see strictly man and strictly woman?" I think the idea of masculine and feminine is a social construct. We are ruled by our biology and there are definitely some traits that can be assigned to one gender or the other but that isn't true of everything that is part of our identity. We are all like puzzle pieces, with a very specific set of shapes and we are looking for someone who will fit that shape as closely as possible. Gender has nothing to do with it. We'll see how long they last. I just hope people come find their way here. i know I'll be promoting it everywhere I see people lost and looking for a place to talk movies. I think they should change the logo because that's where they might get in trouble but other than that, I say good job people and thank you!