gregg325's Replies

This doesn't answer my question Its called mail in ballots... Well yes you look like a lunatic typing in all caps like you do. Loud and dumb like your president. I guess I can see who you take after. Biden won by over 4 million votes. It wasn't even close. Is that what Fox News told you. Lol enjoy the next 4 years. I'm sure we will have plenty of good Trump content from his prison cell! Saying stupid things in all caps doesn't make you sound smarter you know that right? Anyway the American people agree. Trump sucks and had no business being president. Good riddance You just presented an oxymoron. Everything Trump stands for is anti democracy I'm not even big on Biden but anything was better than Trump. Guy simply had to go. Far too much hate being spewed from him Yeah heard that same thing before he schooled Trump in the debates. Get new material Yeah because the current president's past is a glowing endorsement. Do you even hear yourself lmao The only brain dead puppet is the clown who just got voted out. Finally a normal president is back in office Well this definitely explains a lot. AMC is so pathetic. The entire show is one giant agenda. I knew this show would be awful as soon as I saw the trailer. It just reeked of a cringey teen drama. Its sad that this is part of TWD universe. Its so embarrassing. Pandering to the highest level lol Then you would know why Cam was signed before Kaepernick... Kaepernick hasn't played a game in 4 years and has no interest in ever playing again Someone obviously doesn't watch football You should finish it up. The ending wraps everything up pretty well. Although some questions are left up in the air for you to interpret which was a little disappointing. But overall I enjoyed it. It definitely messes with your head a bit for sure though. I turned this off after the 3rd episode. The characters are weird as hell. Probably done watching It would probably help if he would actually show some interest in playing. He obviously doesn't want to play as hes too busy being an activist. Nobody ever brings this up for some reason. Yeah I'm definitely more of a week to week type person when it comes to tv shows. I love the build up and discussion you get with each episode. I'm really not a fan of binging because you often miss so many little details since you're watching everything at once.