Otter's Posts

Tyrion has burned WAAAAY more people alive than Danerys. Danerys's next move? The Starks of Winterfell Remake it, and set it in Dubai. So who's running the Seven Kingdoms? I thought Urine Greyjoy night be the new major villain, now that Ramsay is gone .. Do you think the writing is affected by the actors and casting? I've been reading a lot about WWI lately... Was Patty Jenkins offered the directing job? Why historical accuracy matters: Could you live with a glowing blue Princess Leia? Trailer is here. Kurt Russell as Ego... Y/N? Tilda Swinton almost made this worth watching! Why was this movie remade? Why didn't any of the subsequent films or sequels get weird? Depp's been on the news a lot lately. Has anyone heard any buzz on this? This film is more about Marie's lifestyle than her life! Why Dany and Jon will marry...