not_a_virus.exe's Posts

All this talk about Spacey and Weinstein and none of this creep? Why the all black cast? I guess Feldman wasn't lying when he spoke of the pedophile problem in Hollywood. Larry Elder PERFECTLY crucifies the hypocrisy of Hollywood in his latest podcast As big of a pig as this guy is, every victim of his assaults that accepted money to remain quiet, are just as bad Is On Stranger Tides essential canon to watch this film? Doesn't take a salary, donates a million out of his own pocket, hands out food, water and supplies to hurricane victims If the white walkers don't win, how anti-climactic would it be? CGI really is a huge culprit in why this film sucked. So now that the white walkers have a dragon, they can pretty much effortlessly get over the wall right? Without hyperbole, would everyone agree that this was the most epic episode of the entire series? Is there enough material in the book to exceed a single season? Probably the most plotless film I've ever seen So was he a virgin? *spoilers* I like how you're able to actually swear on this fucking forum