not_a_virus.exe's Replies

Try listening to the audiobook if you can. I tried reading the novel and was also bored. Couldn't finish it. The audiobook makes it a bit more enjoyable though because the production value is there. They got actors for different characters and completed it with sound effects so you really feel like you're part of the story. Having said that though, it's still the book. And the book is pretty much spent telling a tale of two men on a road trip across America trying to recruit the forgotten gods of old and prepare for war. It's often slow and monotonous and doesn't really pickup until the latter half, but it's got a Carnivale/Preacher vibe to it, and if you're a fan of either of those shows, you might enjoy it if you can bear through the boring start. That's a shame. I had hoped this site would have elevated itself above the petty immature *beep* that IMDB used and remained a little more relaxed about swearing. That idea that thse words need to be censored in this day in age is ridiculous. What happened? Are not allowed to swear anymore? If the show stays true to the book, which it did in the opening episode, then it is going to get a lot more carnivale-esque in the future. Cute. Getting back to the question, can you answer it please? I already saw above you idiot. How do you think I replied to you? Something only a failure would say. Look how embarrassed she is. hilarious. What desparation? Other than to get an answer out of you of course. Clearly you have no problem using suicide as a joke when it fits your agenda. Just admit it. Suicide is joke to you and you support it. I did. Can you answer the question please? I just want it on record that you're a hypocrite, as is typical of the lefty millennial crowd, and only favor suicide when it's against people you don't like. Just say yes for me. Just let me know you're no better than the bullies you love to shun. So you support suicide then? So you support suicide then? I don't get it either. Felt more like the hype came from a big Hollywood circle jerk. It was pretty average. There have been far better musicals deserving of its rating. Of my favorites are The Sound of Music and Sweeney Todd. No, it appeals to all the needy special snowflakes that believe that the world should be stepping on eggshells over what they say infront of them because it could lead them to suicide. I'm 28, so while I'm still technically part of gen Y, I'm definitely on the older part of the spectrum. And I have friends on Facebook from every age group and I can tell you right now, everyone making a hoot over this show are the 18-24 yearold crowds. The generation responsible for such ridiculous ideas as gender pronouns, 76 genders, trigger warnings, safe spaces, cultural appropriation and other such batshit insane lunatic garbage. It's a "woe is me, people think I have a nice ass so feel sorry for me" show. Nothing but one big circle jerk of millenials crying about their first world problems. It;s ridiculous. I can't relate to anything on this show. I remember the days when I was in high school and my parents and teachers would just tell me to "get over it". And that's what I did. Guess what, I'm still breathing. That's bullshit. Every single time someone said anything to her, it set her off. Being told she was "ok" set her off. Being told her had a nice butt set her off. not immediately getting her jokes set her off. Her problems were not a result of everyone else, but were a result of her ineptitude to just let shit go. People that emotionally unstable and mentally weak are not fit to survive in society. This was just Darwinism in practice. Can we please keep troll posts instead of reporting them like a bunch of spineless safe space whores? Ignore function is fine but Jesus the amount of report police on the imdb kept it from being fun. I hope that if they resurrect the message boards that no one abandon's this site. I know it will be a lot of hard work building it back up but I don't like the idea of using a site that could abandon message boards at any time. I researched that board about a week ago and there was a thread from one of the operators in response to the imdb shutting down message boards if it's something the regulars on that board would be interested. So they're not exactly the most enthusiastic about free discussion to be frank. Certainly not as free spirited as the IMDB was so I'll stay here. I wonder how old it is. Was it created just recently or was it prepared when the announcement commenced like a month ago? Seems very refined. Also, need edit button function.