peter_t_2k3's Replies

Why not be in the middle then? That's the way I am. Some of the stuff I've seen from what you'd call the left can go a bit too far but the same can be said by the right. My point is that both sides can be just as bad. I think sometimes the message can be focused on too much for example and the story itself suffers. I think Boom was more traditional although that was a Moffat episode I don't think so. I wouldn't be surprised if Ruby is Ruby's own parent somehow. Yeah I always preferred Moffat myself too. He played a lot more around with time and I really enjoyed that and also the fact his era was at times like a dark fairytale. I read originally before filming the series, this was going to be the first episode but Moffat said it might be to much for an opener and I do see why. The first episode was a bit too silly but it did need to be lite I mean the previous era as in Chibnall's era didn't do well so something clearly needed to change. Don't get me wrong I do feel the new era feels a bit too Disney at times but Boom has given me hope The irony is your complaining about people pushing their views and agenda but like every anti woke person you also have a massive agenda but just won't admit it. By making this statement about controlling and removing people your actually becoming the thing your against. It just reminds me of people who go on about the importance of free speech, those who believe in it until you say something they don't like. For example there is a poster who likes to come on this board occasionally and comment about how bad of a companion Bill from series 10 is. The commenter claims it's too woke but has never watched that series, he just judged it from her trailer. Now if he's never watched the series, how can he know how bad she is as a companion. Bill is black and also a lesbian, so the user has just decided this is too woke and never actually watched to see. If they had watched they would possibly see that he sexuality is part of her but not her main characteristic. No one can ever define what woke actually is. I've seen some people for example say avatar 2 is very anti woke and then some say it is very woke. And this is the point. The people who claim to be anti woke often say agenda shouldn't be pushed and talk about box ticking but what they actually want is no diversity, they just don't want to admit to being racist etc. You said it yourself, you don't want to see any blacks. I may never agree with the anti woke points but I'd respect them more if they where honest. It's not forced diversity that's the issue it's any inclusion. The thing is we always knew the show would find a way to get around the regeneration limit but I feel the doctor should not know this. By making the doctor have seemingly no limit it just takes away threat and tension. If he has a limited number of lives then he's going to use it wisely and each regeneration is important and a loss. Making the doctor basically have unlimited regenerations removes the urgency, the theat etc. if he dies, oh well it's just one of an unlimited amount of life's he uses. Yeah I think the episode wasn't helped by the fact the Beatles looked nothing like the Beatles and due to the costs they didn't have any Beatles music. A podcast also pointed out that the villains reason for killing music was also odd. If it feeds on music then surely removing it would actually starve them. I'm not as bothered about the villain been stopped by a tune as it was what also brought it into this universe. If they keep doing the fully powerful thing all season though it would get tiresome I think that's one of the things about new companions, they do need to learn about the doctor, but usually it's the basic he's a time traveller etc. I also thought the bomb exploded and killed all life on Gallifrey but now are they suggesting it killed all time lords? Surely not all time lords would be on the planet so I don't get why they are doing the last of the time lords kind of thing again I agree with most of your points. I do also wonder as some have speculated if the exposition dump was Disney saying they need a quick scene to explain who the doctor was. I just think it feels a bit off putting and could have been integrated better. The episode itself was just that though, off putting. I feel they could have done a better opener. I did like the next episode just for being a bit different. I do like when the doctor isn't the most powerful person but get your point about how it will get a bit tiresome if the doctor can defeat them all, the feeling of threat will diminish. The ball game was a weak way for the toy maker to go but I do feel maestro is not dead just banished again and it makes sense if a melody can bring them out it can also banish then. There's also a lot of weird stuff that seems to point to the doctor and Ruby being on a show. The twist think is linked to the actress Susan twist who has been in every episode seemingly playing someone else and there's a lot of winks to camera. Murray gold was also in the musical at the end apparently and the old women who died was actually played by a former costume designer on the show who also designed the 4th doctor's outfit. Not sure how I feel if it's going to keep being this meta Yeah 100 percent agree. I quite liked series 2, at least conceptually, but the ending song was a bit cheesy, but the first episode wasn't a great first episode What about the whole anti abortion message with the moon episode? Or the Isis Zygon episode. What I find really interesting is people complain the show is now "woke" but when it was in an era they liked they look the other way. This is why I hate the word woke as everyone has a different meaning for the word and everyone twists it. If it's shoving ideals and messages on the screen then kill the moon certainly fits this. The 3rd doctors era has a lot of messages in it. I suppose the message of the articles headline is the show should be for everyone. You keep mentioning the doctor should be a grandad but male doctors where never seen as a grandad. The first doctor yes but the character had changed since then. They are also an alien. I was also not keen on the idea of the doctor changing to a female back when it was announced but then I realised 2 things. Firstly the show was getting a bit stale and needed to do something different but secondary, I realised I was basing an alien on a human Yeah i think what they are trying to say is 14 did the therapy but he was a bit chipper about it, maybe using it as a copying method. I'm hoping we'll see more range later in the series e.g. more anger The doctor changes things all the time though but the doctor has always said that changing personal timelines is different. That is why he tells Ruby they cannot go to her birth as if she accidentally changes it she wouldn't be born and cause a paradox. I think the butterfly scene was mainly there for a joke but if the button he pressed was real then he's stopped that from happening but when it comes to personal timelines that is still dangerous Don't forget the timeless child in Chibnall's era had the reveal he is not from Gallifrey although I wasn't a fan of this lore reveal I think it's best to wait to see the ratings when more people have watched it. Also while episodes may not score great, the season may. I saw people saying one of the specials didn't do well viewing figures wise in the UK, yet it was the second watched program of the night after something like I'm a celebrity. Shows like that are often preferred live so it made sense. Like second place is still brilliant I presume it was because she was the one who stood on the butterfly although the doctor did say in a jokingly way he had then turned the butterfly protection on or something. Not sure if it's real why it was turned off. But often it depends if it's personal. Yeah this This is always a problem with long running shows. Doctor who now has 60 years of history so it's going to be hard to get new fans in. Like a few I wasn't sure about renaming it season 1 as I thought it may add to the confusion. For those who don't know classic who used seasons although I don't think it was really promoted like that. They didn't really do season arcs. Then you have new who with series and then back to seasons with what I can only call new new who I think however the rebrand is the best way to let new people in, kind of like series 1 of new who in some ways, without having to do a full reboot and ignore the shows history. Also one good thing with the show is that with new companions coming as well as doctors, the doctor has to explain to the companion things e.g. that's a dalek, which can help new audiences. I would prefer this site to move the two doctor who areas together though for easiness I mean I suppose it's about the balance of getting actors who can act and who also look like the people they are portraying. They just look nothing like the Beatles. Apparently we are not getting any actual Beatles songs due to the costs which makes sense but then you would at least think they would find people who looked like them. Unless that's going to be part of the plot