's Posts

Great film, but I still couldn't understand... [SPOILERS] Lots of spoilers in this thread. Don't even bother if you haven't seen it. This guy could be an amazing, AMAZING... Porky's in Buenos Aires Mutt Williams' fate (spoilers) Wanna solve something really nice? Bring Jar Jar Binks as the ultimate Sith Lord behind all of this. Nolan would have never shot this chronologically... A film about paranoia and hiding horrors under the rug. The name of the show should be "lucky you" (spoilers until end of season 4) Sad, and violent, fact nobody has mentioned. 45 years of Star Wars Mithology destroyed in 45 minutes. For F***'s sake... How many child molesters Britain can produce in half a century? Holy 5#1t, Theodore has it against good ol' Hef! Please stop giving Sorrentino money to make visually beautiful but awfully written films. What was that couple at the motel doing? She was giving it to him! Still a mystery to me how the tabloid editor got word that... Sequel to Act Naturally! My takeaways on Tenet. Worst film of 2019? Worst film of all time! See this film! Good storytelling but... jeez, you could have fixed this horrible tokenization!