Painbow's Replies

"Do you tell everyone who disagrees with you to calm down?" No, only cretins who tell me to lighten up when I disagree with them. Was that joke not obvious to you? You need to try getting less upset. You'll do yourself a mischief. It's only a film, mate. Try to calm down. Meanwhile, your points... all miss the point. I suggest a more nuanced look at art in general. Not everything can be designed for the simplest of minds and be 'a funny joke.' Sometimes there is a purpose to the joke (beyond it's ability to be amusing) and sometimes you need to analyse what is being explored and subverted. It's something grown-ups do. The scene needs to acknowledge more than characters. It needs to acknowledge the world the characters exist in. Rey is independent. Fine. But are all women independent? Are they viewed as equals? If yes then why would Finn ever take her hand in the first place let alone TWICE? I once thrust-pumped a Jew's pong-slice. She squirted. I'm very light already, thanks. This a discussion forum where people have discussions. It shouldn't be this taxing for you to the extent that you get upset. Try to calm down. If Finn believes she is vulnerable then that would imply that he is unaware that she is an equal (would he have offered to take the hand of a man in the same way?). The point being that the universe this takes place in is one in which women are clearly seen as equals. So for Finn to behave this way is entirely for the benefit of the movie-watching audience and not due to the internal logic of the world or the characters. This is what dates it. It is a thing done for the audience at home in 2015 to make a point about movie tropes. This has two consequence: 1) it risks taking the viewer out of the narrative (certainly did for me) and 2) it will instantly look strange to future audiences. They will wonder why it's there (also taking them out of the narrative). To more effectively undermine sexist movie tropes, they should have had Rey be the one who grabs Finn's hand and had Finn totally accepts this with no problem. Hey presto, you've made your point but you've done it without using a sledgehammer. If he's not careful, they'll throw him under the bus and call him alt-right. It's quite nice. Are you alright? Do you need me to call someone? You seem (inexplicably) upset. The scene actually takes up about two minutes as it occurs twice as a kind of bookend to the whole thing. And what do you mean I like to complain about it? Have I complained about this scene before? Misogyny! White privilege! Heteronormativity! Non-binary! Racism! Hierarchies of oppression! Excellent. Now that you've got that out of your system... what does that have to do with my above comment? Also, why the insults? Are you a young boy? Did you have a lovely Christmas? You mean the original trilogy? Well, certainly nothing culturally significant to the era dates them, I'd say. They don't dwell on contemporary social trends for example. Um no, it was demonstrably meant to make a point about gender in movies. The big handsome man grabs the hand of the beautiful (yet vulnerable) woman and saves her. They were attempting to subvert this trope. Good for them. But it was very badly done is my point. I'm intrigued by your ideas. Doesn't have the heart of the original (which is a better, more meaningful film) but it was still very good. It's main problem is that it doesn't walk the line between what's real and what's imagined as well the Verhoeven film. It does seem to have lost something. The riot dragged on far too long and moving to max has made it feel like a totally different show. That being said, it's still very watchable. But they focus on the father being the problem. They ignore the mother. Saving Mr. Banks at least addressed it a little. You tell him. LOL, there are creams for that butthurt, you know. I have enjoyed turning you into my bitch. I advise that you watch the film again. Maybe with a grown up who can help you grasp things that you apparently find over complicated. His eyes change because its the FIRST time he's looked. Idiot. It's right there.