genplant29's Replies

Sadly, the IMDb exile community is so extremely fractured now, spread across several sites, that no one site will ever have as big or successful of a message boards community as IMDb did prior to their boards closing. As time passes a lot of people will meet back up, though it'll never be the same, thanks to IMDb. TMDb is bustling with lots of ongoing activity, and more movies/shows/actors getting posts started on the corresponding boards there all the time. The boards there never really had been used by the pre-IMDb TMDb regulars, so had just been sitting empty, till now. But IMDb exiles are now steadily getting threads started all over the place (efforts still in progress). This site here is nice, but TMDb has been around since 2008 and has all the bells and whistles nicely in place already. In the entire last 28 or however many hours since the IMDb boards ceased, I've only encountered one familiar poster who I could recall ever having seen the username of before. It's a shame how many different directions the exiled boards community has gotten splintered into because of the closing of the boards. Many people will never cross paths again (as they have no idea where familiar other users have gone), because of this event. LLOwens, the TMDb boards feature is something that I've heard was only newly introduced to that site in recent months, that the regulars (of before the last couple weeks) there never really gravitated any to, but that had just been instated as an available option. So, until now, really the various movie/show/person boards there haven't gotten hardly any visitation or posting activity. As the days progress and IMDb exiles begin posting on the boards for their favourite movies/shows/performers, I think the boards experience on TMDb will have a whole lot more going on, and feel much more "natural," by 1-2 weeks from now. The momentum just needs to get going. I think that a lot of people so far don't feel like being the first person to post a discussion starter on a totally empty board for this or that movie/show/person. By the way, that site definitely has plans to incorporate improvements to the message boards functionality there, per wishes of IMDb transplants who have requested or suggested various things like nested threads, and being able to down-topic, from just a specific post, within an existing thread, etc. Also not such a spread-out large layout. So I think that I the coming days a lot there is going to improve and become much more like what IMDb'ers would like to experience. I get the impression that TMDb (The Movie Database) is perhaps the most popular new home for IMDb exiles. It's where I've settled in (here also is nice, albeit very basic), and so have many, many other newcomers there. TMDb's a very nice site, and has every-movie/show/person message boards. Also be sure to check out the popular general topics Forums there. Considering that the U.S. is the movie/showbiz capitol of the world, and that probably (I would guess) most IMDb users are in the U.S., wouldn't you think IMDb would have had the courtesy to pull the plug no sooner than midnight U.S./ET? I don't think anyone I've read the comments of expected it as early as around 7p.m. Eastern! It came off feeling and seeming like just that much more of a show by IMDb of their complete disregard for us, and like a real slap in the face. I totally had expected that it would happen no sooner than after midnight U.S. Eastern Time, so had thought there was for sure still 5 or more hours left to go. Was looking over various favourite specific-movie boards that I had enjoyed posting on throughout the years, then back-arrowed, and.....nothingness. As for the "D'Oh" screen responses during recent days, I had thought that was just me getting those. Sounds like everyone did! I agree, that if I was the creator and owner of an 8-years-old site, like TMDb is, that I wouldn't want to archive 15 years worth of some other mega-site's message boards threads (that of course many boards had a lot of garbage on them). Brand new conversations can now start. The blame is on IMDb, not on TMDb, that the old message boards got zapped. I really like TMDb (The Movie Database). That's where I've settled in as my new movies/t.v. message boards and movies ratings, lists, etc. home. It's been really bustling over there, and with an overall mainly very positive vibe, people there pleased with what they're seeing, finding out, and becoming acclimated to, and with more new arrivals chiming in, and also saying they really like the site, all the time. Yes, the specific movie/t.v. show/people boards are still for the most part having either nothing, or strictly just very little, happening, as I think most people just don't want to be the person who creates a let's-get-this-conversation-going board for this or that movie or show or star where there's so far not been anyone start any type line of discussion. Several more general discussion forums there are, however, bustling today/tonight. At this point, most people (myself included) are seeming much more to be wanting to post about the IMDb chaos and users exodus, and about figuring out new things, than about specific movies/shows or actors/actresses. Over there, I've already begun adding all my movie ratings that I deleted from IMDb last night, and have made some little additions/improvements to certain movie or star pages that the already presented description/details about had needed some tweaking. I like how over there it's really easy to make improvements and additions to existing pages. I find TMDb very welcoming and pleasant, and posters there very helpful, and the bulk of new members comfortable and liking what they're starting to become used to. This site here seems perfectly nice, too. But for good movie/t.v. content, and many good available options, and a good message boards system, and rapidly increasing new members (of IMDb transplants, of course) base, thus essentially an already good site but that now is rapidly getting largely repurposed to please and accommodate IMDb transplants, I think it's going to be a great new place to settle in and create new sense of movie/t.v. discussion community. That site's owner/founder/creator definitely is listening to the IMDb exiles and already has made clear he's intending to incorporate as many of our suggestions and good ideas as can be made work, so everyone will be pleased and satisfied. The subject of changing how message boards flow and are presented there, and becoming able to nest, etc., and being able to create new drop-down conversations within existing threads, rather than everything just listing together collectively, is things that definitely are amongst the big topics being suggested/requested. So please give over there a serious look and a serious chance, and check out the great general forums in which IMDb tranplants are discussing all sorts of things. I'm not saying don't enjoy also this board right here, that I also definitely like the idea of. That having been said, TMDb's been around since 2008, I've been giving it a good lookover and try (I've been a member there since four days ago), have settled in, and am finding it to be a good new place to settle in. You can be a member here and over there as well. Try each place, and see what feels like the best fit. There's room for both sites to exist, and both to be used and enjoyed. :) (Sorry that this was a long post.)