Mubblefluggie's Replies

[quote]Arguably Mike could be a silent investor.[/quote] Or take a job there, as an overpaid corporate security detective. [i]Mub[/i] Kaylee's Mom, but I don't think she spoke in B/B, if that matters. By Francine, do you mean Fran, Mikes favorite diner waitress, or Francesca, the new receptionist at W/M? Add whichever one you didn't mean. ;) It is getting to be a long list, cool. [i]Mub[/i] [quote]how 'bout them feet on Kim when she parked them on Jimmy's knees? Delectable, no?[/quote] I'd lick those corns, if that was the only lady part available. [i]Mub[/i] OP here, it is good to see so many familiar handles have shown up. When I started this thread before the show premiered this season, it was rather desolate around here. There were many possibilities of where all the IMDB regulars would eventually migrate. I was beginning to think all the cool kids were playing in a different sandbox. Apparently, this [b]is[/b] the sandbox for the cool kids. At least for this show. [i]Mub[/i] [quote]Am I missing something? [/quote] Yes. The scene in B/B where Gus and partner meet Eladio and Hector for the first time to create a business arrangement, was a flashback well before the timeline of BCS. It didn't go well for Gus's partner, which was the foundation for Gus's extreme hatred for Hector. In a recent episode, Gus to Mike about Hector: "a bullet to the head would be far too humane". This might even be the same flashback where the bad-ass twins were little kids. Hector threatens to drown one of them in the beer cooler water, because the other one wishes he were dead. If not the same flashback, at least about the same timespan. [i]Mub[/i] Huell's head doesn't seem to be as bullet-shaped as in B/B, where his mom likely delivered the birth in about 2 seconds, all streamlined. Well, streamlined back then, but not these days. Edit: Glad they brought him back [i]Mub[/i] [quote]WORST THREAD EVER !![/quote] I think that was the point, pure sillyness. Better than trolling. I enjoyed it. [i]Mub[/i] No, we don't. Completely ignore trolls, responding is what they want. They are just announcing their low self-esteem. "I'm an asshole, but please respond to my anonymous post, because I want attention. If I met you in real live, and talked trash like in my post, you'd kick my ass for real. So I'll hide behind my anonymity here and taunt you". Dicks. Let it go. [i]Mub[i] That was my take on OP's post, too. Mike standing behind the door jam hearing Chuck's footsteps coming to check on him, Mike squeezes the trigger, Chuck immediately does a cartoonish about-face. Funny. Mub >>I was fuzzy on S2 details too, but I think the ones that helped him film that commercial (where they used a fake war veteran and film in front of a military aircraft) were done by some community college kids Jimmy found. Yeah, Jimmy started hiring them with the billboard scam, and also the commercial that got him in trouble with the law firm in Santa Fe. Davis and Main, was it? Mub My take on this, a paranoid Chuck (what a stretch there) watching out the window expecting someone to come after him, and we suddenly see a shadow moving that obviously wasn't his.. There is someone else in the house! It turns out to be the PI, playing cards in front of a gas mantle lantern casting the shadow, probably his right arm reaching for a card. This show, and B/B, are known for misdirecting the audience, one of the highlights. Chuck bangs his noggin in the copyshop, the next episode opens with Jimmy sitting on presumably Chucks deathbed, camera dollies sideways, and Chuck comes into view sitting next to Jimmy. It is their mom on the deathbed. Spoiler ahead for B/B: | | V | | V | | V Hector rings that bell for the last time, and then Gus leaves the room, adjusts his tie, he is unscathed. Camera dollys around to reveal a different picture, Gus will not be going out dancing tonight. Mub Clever. +1 Mub >> ...semi-colons should be avoided.... I know a guy that got semi-colon cancer. He always did things half-assed. I ain't signing this. [quote] In addition to Gus potentially having spies who could have first spotted Mike at Hector's Ice Cream shop, the vet or the gun dealer could be in cahoots with Gus, and alerted him of Mike's presence/interests. [/quote] My perception on this, is that Nacho actually works for Gus, and has infiltrated the Hector regime as a spy, so that Gus can keep tabs of what Hector is up to. Nacho is sharp as a tack, very businesslike, calculating, and doesn't get rattled. Just like Gus. I figure once Nacho was impressed with Mike and his way of doing business, he made Gus aware of him, and Gus is keeping tabs on Mike to possibly recruit him into Gus's business. Which we know, will happen. [i]mub[/i] (testing, to see if HTML tags work on this board.) [edit] HTML tags don't work on this board.[/edit] I wouldn't worry about the lack of activity, there wasn't much on IMDB this time of year. We'll see on 4/11/17, a day after the premiere. (Mub) I'm in. Mub