Rorikon's Replies

Have a good feeling about this movie and can't wait to see it. Just good o'l cinema. Well, I remember him saying something along the lines of he doesn't really do his research when he does his show and just makes his own opinion on it on whatever the current trending headlines are on the news. Just based on the dislikes, it looks like it'll do decent at the box office. Can't go after him since that video is past the statute of limitations. Sean also paid $50k for that video. At most he'd spend up to 3 years for DV. When you say "them" are you referring to Jew? Question is, why does it still use the Max moniker when he's not even in them no more in future shows? Seems like it's more associated now with the post-apoc setting now than the character himself. I wonder how long US empire will last. It seems it all comes down to the more powerful you are the only path is downward from corruption, infighting, and weakened borders. Wonder if that's a sign already. Lol, she looks like Selena Gomez's evil twin sister. If your sister is that hot and she gets stuck frequently in the laundry room and has to call you to help her get out of the washing machine, you know she's wife material. Really? I don't remember that part. Care to provide some sourcing saying he's some emperor that won't leave office? That's what responsible gun ownership looks like. It should only be those that can exert safety, responsibility, proficiency, and care of the gun that should be able to own them, not backward folks that can't even properly store them so a toddler can get their hands on it. Hmm, good point. They have disagreements but when it came to Gaza they were more or less all in on the slow genocide, lol. They can't withdraw from Rafah. You know how things work. As much I despise Israel's far-right, their settlers and their unwillingness to move the women and children out first before going scorched Earth on Hamas, you can't let things fester again. Militias, Confederates, Nazis, etc. When you leave even a bit alive they will regrow and same shit happens again. This is why China doesn't have that kind of problem no more. It's not we'll run out of, it's can the grid handle the workload. You should already know of the California situation of its grid during hot days. I don't need to predict, we can already see it happening right now once these taxes set in, that's the whole fucking point of it, drive gas prices up to ween you off of it or force to try to afford an EV if not a Made in China EV which are even cheaper and kill the US auto-industry. Nah, I didn't think that, you thought of that right now. Stop projecting your thoughts onto others. There were Jews serving the Reich before but hid their identity or some were exempt. They want to vote back in a person that broke 53% of his promises and only did 23%. With scores like that no wonder they're so lowly educated. But alas, it's all about dem beliefs. TO ALL THE BIRTHING PERSONS AND "IT'S MA'AM" TRANS WOMEN OUT THERE, HAPPY MOFO DAY! Had to look up WASP. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP). So that's what they were referring to. If they were so multicultural, why'd they start killing each other thereafter? It can't be that because some new Jews from Europe moved in that all of a sudden the once co-existence of the Jews already there became hostile. I wonder the % of zionists within the Jew population. Must be pretty high. You can already see how power the Jew are when they're appearing in television and calling protestors as terrorists that should be locked up.