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Gavin Newsom needs more of your money to pay for Climate Change

By 2040, $2-3 per gallon just in taxes. Think how EV's will stress the electrical grid if they all need to charge at a certain time to be ready for work tomorrow or whatnot.


Jesus, that old scare tactic (we'll run out of electricity!) has been so thoroughly debunked for such a long time--wake up!
And nobody can predict what taxes will be at the pump in 16 years. What a lame ass mind you have! I bet you think the 1/6 riots were faked, the covid epidemic was a hoax, and JFK's brain is giving orders to Biden!


20K+ battery replacement, overstressing the grid, unreliable in extreme hot/cold climate and the ability for the establishment to control every single aspect of the vehicle eg. (You). Enjoy been a complete dependent slave.

Their production still relies on fossil fuels, lol.


Wait a sec, don't forget the child slave labor in the mines! That's just the cherry on top for the climate hoaxers.


That one is irrelevant to them since they are the side of child sacrifice, child mutilation and child grooming.


It's not we'll run out of, it's can the grid handle the workload. You should already know of the California situation of its grid during hot days.

I don't need to predict, we can already see it happening right now once these taxes set in, that's the whole fucking point of it, drive gas prices up to ween you off of it or force to try to afford an EV if not a Made in China EV which are even cheaper and kill the US auto-industry.

Nah, I didn't think that, you thought of that right now. Stop projecting your thoughts onto others.


If people don't buy EVs, then what? I will spend the extra bucks on gas so I don't have to...

a) Be dependent on the iffy electrical grid

b) Worry about the $20k battery replacement (Equivalent of $50 of gas for 1 Year)

c) Worrying about dying in a random explosion

Also, what makes everyone think Oil Companies are just going to go along with their empires being taken away from them??


It's a more sophisticated plan than you backward-looking thinkers can imagine:
California's 2035 plan to end the sale of gasoline-only vehicles will require that 80% of new vehicles sold in the state be electric by 2035, with no more than 20% plug-in hybrid electric. The plan also mandates that 35% of new cars sold must be electric or plug-in hybrid by 2026, and that proportion will rise to 68% by 2030.

Something needs to be done to keep our air breathable, and as usual California is leading the way. With the success we have seen with electric vehicles already, you have to be pretty careless of our future to want to stick with gas guzzlers til the gas runs out.


If you're the CEO of a major automaker, you're not calling the EV push a success. And without government largesse (robbing the poor to pay the rich), the EV market likely wouldn't exist at all as there would be no profit to realize. You advocate for wealth redistribution from the lower classes to the wealthy, in pursuit of a fairy tale? That's shameful.


None of your sentences make any sense. Look around--EVs are no fairytale!


EVs! Brought to you by Fossil Fuels!

Green Energy!! Brought to you by Fossil Fuels!

Literally everything... Brought to you by Fossil Fuels!


Their entire green deal scam is based on fossil fuels while almost every aspect about it is worse for the environment, wildlife and humans.
And somehow, they call it 'progressiveness'.

Ass backwards indeed.


What do you expect from a Death Cult? They want to watch people die as long as it's not them.

Did you see this bullshit from this asshole in government?


Holy shit, culling the human population by a pandemic with a high fatality rate for the sake of climate change, and yet, he didn't volunteer for it. He spoke straight from the cabal's rectum.
