bozo_500's Replies

China is totally gonna go Terminator Genisys on BR2049 yep absolutely those too He's probably going to do Bond before Dune as with Bond he'll have directed a billion dollar grossing movie which with strengthen his position on Dune. (BR2049 is struggling and Dune is a similar cult film) Cool post. I guess it could go either way Replicant -the whole original BR ambiguity (glowing eyes, unicorn, done a mans job etc) -K is a replicant (so maybe that's to suggest all blade runners are replicants? But then Gaff is human? or is he?) -Wallace interrogation as if hes replicant -Ks visit to Gaff -luv saying 'bring you home' -Ridley says he is Human -he ages (but some replicants can age) -feels pain/not superstrong (unlike replicants – but then maybe he isnt made that way) -he got Rachel pregnant (but then maybe replicants can procreate - which is the fear in this or maybe the fear is humans and replicants can procreate which is just as massive) -Ford says he's human -Book says he is -it just makes more sense he is - human falls in love/runs off with/has child with Replicant that he's supposed to kill (with the hint that he might be a replicant a fun thing in the background- but that only really works if he's human) I thought he was from South Africa (but had spent a substantial amount of time in China - enough to pick up a slight accent) Next? Sigourney Covenant released in Japan this wkend so should make it to 240m ok (currently 233m) Prometheus did 21m there but doubt Covenant will do similar (to make it to 250m) as box office for it has been notably down in each region IT has outgrossed it already (currently at 275m but should end up with at least 500m) more films showing at the cinema (e.g. Indy, GB2 and Star Trek V). maybe one of the kids watching Star Trek TNG on tv :) maybe some more films posters in the room - e.g. Return of the Jedi, Temple of Doom, BTTF, Terminator, Aliens, Robocop, etc and Batman (cmon every kid had a frickin Bat logo poster up in 89!), maybe someone wearing a Bat t shirt too (again every kid was wearing that back then) Some interesting points. especially about The Mummy (bet Universal wish theyd gone R rated horror for the remake now) 117m Bettlejuice made sense in a foreshadowing way as like Freddy/Joker its abit like Pennywise.. Gremlins is also abit Pennywisey and must kids always have only the latest posters on their wall? Maybe the main kid was a huge Gremlins fanatic But yeah Ghostbusters on the wall or GB2 playing at the cinema would've made sense (ghosts, your fears coming to life Mr Staypuft etc ) Bet alot of big names (in late 30s/early 40s range) will be desperately trying to get in on part 2 due to the huge success, so big names as all the grown up kids in IT2 wouldn't surprise me e.g. the likes of Gosling, Reynolds, Gyllanhaal, Franco, Levitt, Frodo, Bale, the Chris's (Pine/Pratt/Evans/Hems), Amy Adams (or Howard/Chastain), Hiddleston or Cumberbatch etc. and the likes of Dano, Rockwell etc gotta be in there somewhere too Basically any of that bunch (and more) who aren't already booked to do other movies at the same time IT2 will be filming will be fighting it out to be in a guaranteed blockbuster that dosnt involve wearing a cape yes that's quite true. the pharmacist did look abit like Reeve (although a sinister creepy version) and would be in keeping with the 1989 period when Reeve as Superman would be fresh in everyones mind (even if no one did see Superman IV in 1987 lol) so I guess he was hired as he bore a very loose resemblance to Reeve for the creepy 'gag' and think the Lois Lane nod was deliberate and quite clever - she looks a lot like Amy Adams so think that was a meta wink to the audience (she obviously looks nothing like the Lois of the 80s Margot Kidder) maybe even to foreshadow Amy Adams taking the adult role in IT Chapter 2? it couldve still applied to the 1950s setting with the George Reeves Superman (and Lois in that was a red head I think) so thought maybe it was in the book another Superman connection is the actress who played the adult version of the character in the IT 1990 mini series was Lana Lang in Superman III it means that the previous Mummys are possibly in this universe making this The Mummy 4 also Scorpion King 36m Van Helsing 51m Wolfman - 31m What a shitty line up you had. Yeah I can not believe I didn't get the BR trailer with Alien. I refrained from watching it online as I was sure it'd show before AC. Its hard to believe we getting Alien and Blade Runner in the same year (with BR2 out just 5 months after AC) so you couldn't get a more perfect film to show the BR2 trailer in front of and the new second trailer just came out that same week as AC was released (in uk) what a joke At the 30th anniversary thing Mel says he's up for LW5 [quote]“You’d play off the fact that they’re not as limber as they used to be. And I think that would be fun,” he chipped in.[/quote] [URL][/URL] [URL][/URL]