desepticon's Replies

I agree the movies are lackluster, but I fail to see how they are "Democratic propaganda". That's one of the most asinine things I've ever heard. Ok, I'll concede. It's obvious to everyone you are a genius. More nonsense and delusional thinking. He didn't say white people were shallow. He said people were throwing a tantrum because its not white <I>and</I> shallow. You really need to let go of all that hate. You'll feel better about yourself. Sometimes taking a long introspective look at oneself is hard, but it can yield amazing results. Imagine thinking this wasn't the rambling nonsense of a diseased mind... Just keep digging that hole bro... Aint that the truth. It's a story old as time. Are you really trying to compare a riot which only a handful of people were killed and mostly targeted businesses and was the result of racial discrimination, to one in which an entire community was destroyed and hundreds killed because of racist jealousy of black success. You really think there is some kind of moral equivalency here? Jesus Christ man. You need to check your anti-Semitic views. Lindelof success has nothing to do with nepotism or being Jewish. He also came from a fairly middle-class background. You seem to a have giant chip on your shoulder about Jews. I not sure he would admit that. His Bachman experiment proved otherwise. And, had he not been outed, "Bachman" could have reached similar heights. This is not an accurate title. In the first episode the Soviets beat us to being the first to put a man on the Moon. They also start building a moon-base, promoting a US attempt as well. Training female astronauts comes as a response to the Soviets putting a women on the Moon first too. In this alternate history, the US is losing the space race in many aspects. Where this show seems to be headed is that continuing the space race, when in real life it stagnated, is leading to a lot of scientific, exploratory, and social advances that didn't happen in our timeline, or took much longer. It's a very interesting premise imho. Especially if you're into alternate history and space exploration. My understanding was that the read/write mode only applied to its higher level artificial intelligence functions. Obviously it could still remember things. why would they be on read mode by default? It was explained by Arnie that Skynet only did that when sending Terminators out on their own. It didn't want them to get their own ideas. After all, that was the mistake humanity made with it. Oh I paid attention. Very close attention. Even if they were wearing light armor, padding would still be required. You might as well wear no armor without padding. And not wearing a helmet is just stupid. Even if you had no other armor, wearing a helmet should be a priority. Also, even if he didn't have a helmet, he should have worn padding under his mail coif. Again, useless without padding. The movie was decent, but it was far inferior to Outlaw King in many aspects, especially costumes. Why is everyone's costume dark and dingy too? People of this era loved brightly colored clothing, especially the nobility. They were okay. They were certainly "modernized" in a lot of ways that reflect modern conceptions of masculinity and martial prowess. Some things I noticed off the top of my head: the wasp-waist style of the armor was not nearly pronounced enough, Henry V not bothering to wear a helmet, or even padding under his mail coif. And the Dauphin's suit of armor was just straight up fantastical. You must not have seen a lot of movies. Even if you didn't like it, calling it "the worst movie ever" is ridiculous. "all the tall grass made me freak out" How can you call it boring if it frightened you enough to skip through the film? Plenty of people at the time also thought it was racist. The Supreme Court dissent is incidentally also the first time the court used that word in a decision. You're acting like this was some distant time. It wasn't, and there are people who were alive then that are still alive now. What about orphans? Your'e telling me they had no choice but to put those kids in camps, because they had no other choice? The bottom line is that this was an action entirely motivated by racism. They never even bothered to take the time to judge who, and who wouldn't, be a security risk. They rounded them all up based entirely on the criteria of their race. No amount of handwringing can change that fact. They pointedly did not do this to people of German and Italian decent. They kept an eye on them, and took further action if it was ever warranted. Half my family is German and my grandmother told me about how the FBI could be seen sometimes with binoculars watching them at their german Swim and Sports Club. Anti-immigrant hysteria, both legal and illegal, has reared its ugly head again. It's important that we portray such events in media because it easy for the people to forget the mistakes of the past and repeat them. Were they afraid that children and infants were also spies? There's no way to explain why they were interred as well without racism.