Boricanator's Replies

Lol! I was just looking into her. She is very mysteriously anonymous. Interesting responses. Some stuff that I can’t find online. I did find a twitter (now X) page, but there are no posts since 2014. She’s kept a really low profile. No facebook, instagram, LinkedIn…etc. I hope she is well. Beethoven holds a special place in my heart and she was the character that came closest to my age. I am glad she seems to have a good life. I don’t think Liz’s cover up would come up. There just isn’t evidence of a cover up. It’s one of those things people may suspect but can’t prove. Connelly doesn’t really know what happened as he wasn’t there. The prosecuting attorney could bring it up while cross examining her, but all she’ll have to do is deny it and stick to her original story. And then the government will look like idiots for even bringing it up. And I am pretty sure any attorney representing Peter would file motions in limine to prevent any mention of the cover up to be introduced into evidence. And there’s always the possibility of Peter taking the stand. The best part is that all he’ll have to do is tell the truth. He’ll come off as this nice guy who had no choice but to shoot his father who broke into Liz’s house and tried to kill her. The Jury will do the math and realize that, at least, there is enough reasonable doubt to acquit him. To your point, I think they hurt Peter more by covering up than coming clean. The corrupt boss could’ve gone after Peter, sure. But in the end, the case will be sent to the District Attorney and they would decide if charges would be brought. And if they do, this would go to a trial and the parties will testify to the following. -Hank was in Liz’s house. -He was armed. -Liz would testify that Hank pointed a gun at her. -That Peter told him to put the gun down. -That he proceeded to do so and Peter had to shoot him. I have a hard time seeing a jury convicting him, especially if they immediately reported Hank’s death. As for Navarro, screw her. She shouldn’t have murdered that guy and Liz shouldn’t have covered it up. Besides, I don’t think Connelly would’ve been able to do anything about it at this point. Even if he could, it would not hurt Peter. I agree that the health insurance part could complicate things. I don’t know how it works regarding police health insurance and getting therapy covered. Well, therapy is supposed to be confidential. Unless he pulls a “Menendez Brothers” he should be able to talk to a therapist and get help. But I think he will be hesitant. He is just going to have to learn live it as many people who kill do. As a side note, I think the cover up was unnecessary. Hank went to Liz’s house and was armed. He was about to shoot her and Peter shot him to save her. This is self-defense or defense of another. In the unlikely event that he would have been charged with murder, I don’t think the Jury would have convicted him. Then it would’ve been easier to get help. I believe his last scene is lying in bed together with his own son. I think he is going to use his experience to be a better father than his own. The best conclusion I can say is: nobody. Angus’ mother should have been there for her son on Christmas. But Hunham should not have taken Angus off campus or to the mental health facility. He didn’t know the circumstances. At the same time, I understand where he comes from. You have a child that has been dumped by his mother and now wants to see his father. It’s really hard to say no to that. So, in the end, is who you liked less. I really hated Angus’ mother. Like he said, they have been married since July. The stepfather is rich. They could’ve gone anytime. Plus, her divorcing her mentally incompetent husband? So much for “in sickness and in health”. She was a gold digger and it shows. I guess. I just don’t know why she would need to disappear only to live in a cabin. You also had her walking towards the ice wilderness for…reasons. Suicide makes more sense to me. A shame. So you think women should be allowed to rape men? Makes sense. Why would she disappear? It’s not like they were looking for her for murder. Spoiler! It has a great idea. The concept of this family living beautiful lives while you hear people dying in the background is an good and novel concept. The idea that that father is a good man who loves his wife and is involved with his children while carrying a genocide breaks from the typical cartoonish Nazi characters we normally see. That last bit of him having nausea was interesting at it shows how disgusted he is with what he is doing. But, in the end, the film fell flat for me. The concept got really tired quickly. And the characters are just not engaging. The pacing could’ve been much better. So, 6/10 for me. We know who they support. They support the GOP and Donald Trump. That’s an absolute, undisputed, well-documented fact. I am sorry your party is racist. But that’s true. For over the last 50 years White Supremacist have supported the GOP. That hasn’t been disputed by you. In 2016, the KKK endorsed Donald Trump. And former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke endorsed Donald Trump in 2020. So, it is an absolute fact that the GOP is supported by White Supremacists. Rightwingers support police authority (even their abusive, racist practices), they supported and created the Patriot Act, which took away our freedoms. They supported overseas intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan. They want to bad abortion, which interferes in people’s lives. So, no, they don’t support less government. They only support less taxes for the rich. In the 1960s Republicans became the party of white supremacy. It’s called the “southern strategy”. For the last 50 years, white supremacist groups has endorsed the GOP. Fascism is on the far right. Anarchy is more to the left. The rebels are leftwing. Lucas himself said they represented the Vietcong. I posted the link to the thread at the beginning. It’s obvious to anyone with a brain. Yeah, yeah. Fuck you. You rightwingers love your gaslighting. Now get the fuck out. The rightwingers have said they hate her for being black. At least the earlier ones saw the episodes. You didn’t even watch it. So, you are an even bigger racist and a moron. I hope we don’t get another duel. The final one in the series was perfect. It is s great set up for the final one in the Death Star. Hating on a character just because their black is not an opinion we will respect. Now go away. You don’t belong here.