pankoeken's Replies

Now that you realize you have revealed your true nature you will pretend you were just joking. It's too late now. Just accept who you are. You will be happier. What are you overcompensating for? Silly virgins always prattle on about big tits because well they are virgins. Your comments about guys must like big saggy tits or they are gay reveals more than you meant to reveal though. It's pretty obvious you crave cock but you're hiding deep in the closet. Most likely trying on dresses while you're in there. You bring up banging men wearing make up several times so don't you think it's time to quit lying to yourself and prance on out of the closet already? I'm not religious in any way unless devotion to my favorite football teams counts. I just enjoy laughing at the way so many atheists are oblivious to how their crying and moaning is at least as annoying as the most rabid church goer. Leonard's mom is a vicious hateful shrew that tormented her kids and husband but the loving caring mother is the one the atheist has a problem with. Oh wait. Is Leonard's mom the creepy cruel fictional character you were alluding to? Because I really dislike that character a lot. Most religious people never discuss their beliefs but every atheist I know can't shut up about their lack of any. That's probably why so many people think most atheists are annoying douchebags. No offense to you personally. The 80's? Damn you're old grandma. No wonder you're such an uptight curmudgeon. I would think an old timer like you wouldn't need to brag about what movies she's seen or how "clever" she was to strangers to elevate her self worth. Then again your advanced age is no guarantee of wisdom. You never were able to answer my simple questions and you have been painfully boring since your first reply. Time to ignore you. I'll never see your inevitable reply. Try some prunes. I've read they improve the disposition of old codgers like you. I've visited a lot of countries in Europe numerous times. You're either being disingenuous or you're delusional. I've met a LOT of fat dumb people there and never seen a fear of consumption. Get off your high horse and stop being so sensitive. Oh wait. Were you trying to be sarcastic? If so then spot on mate. I've visited a lot of countries in Europe numerous times. You're either being disingenuous or you're delusional. I've met a LOT of fat dumb people there and never seen a fear of consumption. Get off your high horse and stop being so sensitive. Oh wait. Were you trying to be sarcastic? If so then spot on mate. Yeah NY is a blast to visit. Truth be told I loved the sleazy pre Giuliani Times Square NY. I should remember the NYC not necessary thing from visiting and more recently because Archer uses that line several times on the brilliant animated show Archer. It's funny you mentioned the two parts of upstate NY. My sister posted some breathtaking autumn pics on facebook her boyfriend had sent her of his family's property in "cow country" and people were insisting she was mistaken since there was no pavement or skyline to be seen. Not sure where she said it was upstate but it looked straight out of a Washington Irving story. I asked about BC because I'm an Atlantan and a lifelong Falcons fan. I was going to say thanks for Matt Ryan. All of which may be meaningless to you. Ha ha. I remember you mentioning that. So the disdain for NYC came before you made Boston your home or vice versa? You didn't attend Boston College by any chance, did you? Obviously my description fit you perfectly or you wouldn't be crying about it. You can't even spell pretentious correctly despite having spell check and the word being in the thread title. Perhaps you don't know what pseudo intellectual means since it's painfully obvious you're not an intellectual. Sorry you feel triggered but it's best not to base self worth on watching a movie if you need a safe space when others are not impressed by said movie. Tell Tara I said hey. Damn. You obviously googled it and you still got it wrong. That's just sad. You're really bad at this, huh? Stop boring me turnip. It's always hilarious in a pathetic way how even a fictional character mentioning religion makes many atheists whine like a little bitch. It's about how annoying and disgusting new yorkers are. The replay crew got the call right in the Falcons game. Tate's knee was down before he crossed the plane and because of the ten second run off rule the game was over. Tough loss for the Lions but the better team won. It would help kill of at least 80% of millennials so I'm all for it. Particle physics is science. String theory is science. Holy shit you didn't know that. I was poking fun at you because you're so smug but you're actually more stupid than I thought and I was thinking you had the IQ of a turnip. Perhaps you can do some "reading about science" to discover why being dumber than a turnip is not a good thing. The finale didn't piss you off? It was like a big FU to viewers. Yes I was a big fan of season 1. Season 2 was not as good but I still enjoyed it. Redux was just bad. Far too self indulgent with Lynch pooping out the same tired Eraserhead static and repellent imagery that stopped being "innovative" 3 decades or more ago. No offense but the Emperor has no Clothes my friend. I'm not a Trump fan but it's amazing you are blind to they hypocrisy and irony in your own post. Also you are cool with HRH blatant corruption and ties to murder? I'm glad I'm not so blase about criminal acts. You must have a lot more experience with that sort of thing. WOW! You are seriously giving bubba some faulty information and a wretched recommendation. Twin Peaks Redux was painfully bad. Pointless tired same old retread Lynch we have seen ad nauseam from the emperor with no clothes. So you're unfamiliar with particle physics? I should have figured you got the name from the Big Bang Theory. I know you are seeing this as some type of "battle" but you are just prattling on pointlessly and frankly I'm bored. If you can ever answer my questions or at least be interesting perhaps I will smack you around some more. Peace.