god_of_war's Replies

also. 2.8 on imdb hmm soldiers who were trained in boot camp practice different strategists and ways of attack. what do you think they did in boot camp? smoked crack? those arnt civilians who just got rifles. those are trained soldiers you idiot. not bunch of random peasants. yeah soldiers die in war but they dont throw their life like its nothing. hmm soldiers who were trained in boot camp practice different strategists and ways of attack. what do you think they did in boot camp? smoked crack? those arnt civilians who just got rifles. those are trained soldiers you idiot. not bunch of random peasants. yeah soldiers die in war but they dont throw their life like its nothing. one old movie is not enough for a war with over 50,000 dead soldiers it look like alien ressurection level of bad i also doubt this entire stroy. guy recruited in 1943 not 45 like in the movie. dident holded a weapon the entire time? fuck outta here most realistic war movie???/ you clearly smoked crack or something while watching this movie. the war scenes in this movie are the most stupid and unrealistic that ive seen ever. no real soldiers charge like idiots in tight formation where one shell can kill all of them. plz check your facts before making a stupid statement your patriotism is fake because you live on a stolen land which your ancestors stole after commiting genocide against the aboriginal people. you arnt australian. you are british. your country is a british colony. you look,talk,and sound exectly like brits. what makes you think civil war wasent a disappointment? because alot of people hated that film as well. including myself. its just that critically no mcu movie would ever get bashed by critics because disney owns them. which means marvel has the critics in their pockets. got it? civil war was civil turd i blame the idiot nostalgia critic. this guy in his revivew said it was the greatest twist of all time. that no one could predict it. i went to see it because of him. and yes i did liked the movie i think its a good movie but i expected a twist the all time. i thought that maybe the doctor was the one with the split personality and it was all her imagination. i thought that the girl is hallucinating all of it. i thought that maybe kevin is a kid who hallucinating all of it. but no. turns out there was no twist. nobody in the theater said a word about the ending. everyone kept quiet. this is nothing but fan service to shaymalan fans